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Saturday, March 24, 2018



  1. Proof not all of it’s bad for you ... everything in moderation...... However the one on the right openly worships the devil and lives with one of his demons here on earth...

  2. Can't believe the Red Rocker is 70! As for Bill, I can't imagine living with that bat! Maybe it's Karma come to fruition, as well!

  3. The guy on the right of the good guy has had much more stress. When your life is a lie and everything you say is a lie it is stressful trying to remember what you have said. The turd on the right looks old enough to be Sammy's parent.
    "I Can't Drive 55"

  4. Bill spends most of his time down at the presidential library, where he has excellent living quarters, made even more excellent by the absence of his spouse.

  5. I'll bet that Clinton snorted more cocaine than Hagar ever did.

  6. Bill Clinton also has AIDS and is barely hanging on.

    He looks like Rock Hudson did towards the end.


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