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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Maryland State Police Helicopter Conducts Aerial Rescue In Allegany County

(CUMBERLAND, Md.) – A Maryland State Police helicopter crew assisted the Allegany County Fire Department and Natural Resources Police with the rescue of two hikers on Friday along the Rocky Gap Run waterway.

Shortly after 3 p.m. on Friday, the Allegany County Fire Department requested assistance from Maryland State Police Aviation Trooper 5 to locate two hikers along the Rocky Gap Run waterway. The hikers, both female, were environmental employees of the Department of Natural Resources who were taking water samples and measurements when one fell into the stream up to her neck.

The hikers called 911 and reported that they were unable to get back to their vehicle, which was approximately 2 miles away. Trooper 5 arrived on scene and the crew quickly located the hikers. The crew assessed their location, considered possible egress routes, the exposure and medical status of the wet victim and determined a hoist mission would be most appropriate.

The crew landed at Rocky Gap to configure the aircraft and consult with ground personnel. Natural Resources Police had arrived on the ground with the hikers and confirmed that both were ambulatory but one was unable to travel the distance back to a vehicle.

The Trooper 5 crew deployed their rescue technician to the stream to provide assistance to the victim and determine a suitable location for a basket deployment. Shortly thereafter the victim in the stream was assisted into the rescue basket and hoisted into the aircraft. Trooper 5 crew members airlifted her to the Rocky Gap helipad to meet with ground ambulance personnel for further medical care. She was transported to Western Maryland Regional Medical Center for treatment of her injuries. The second hiker was uninjured and was able to walk with Natural Resources Police back to retrieve her vehicle.

The Maryland State Police Aviation Command provides 24/7 coverage in Maryland for a variety of airborne public safety missions. State Police AW-139 helicopters based out of seven sections across the state provide medevac, search and rescue, aerial law enforcement, and homeland security services.


  1. Fell into a creek and got wet in cold weather. Not a good combination, but how prepared were they for something like this? Probably not at all, except for carrying a cellphone that wasn't drowned.

  2. It sounds like the DNR needs to give some classes on safety and survival.

  3. Couldn't they just drop her a change of clothes?


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