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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Trump’s Facebook Engagement Declined By 45 Percent Following Algorithm Change

Engagement on Donald Trump’s Facebook posts has dropped by approximately 45 percent since the platform introduced a new algorithm change, following a year of pressure from left-wing employees and the mainstream media for “allowing” the President to win the 2016 general election.

In January, Facebook introduced a major change to its newsfeed algorithm. In a post, CEO Mark Zuckerberg claimed that the change aimed to give greater emphasis to posts from “friends, family and groups” and less to “businesses, brands and media.” The change was followed by a promise to promote what Facebook calls “broadly trusted” news sources on the platform.

In the month following the algorithm change, engagement on Donald Trump’s Facebook posts dropped sharply. Total engagement dropped by approximately 45 percent, according to data from leading social media analytics firm NewsWhip. In an email to Breitbart News, a representative of Newswhip confirmed that Breitbart’s reading of the data was accurate.

When compared to high-profile Democratic political figures, Trump’s engagement appears to have been hit particularly badly.


1 comment:

  1. Face Book puts their OWN generic posts up daily and continually. NO MORE Trump, Breitbart, Conservative 101, and Many more links. Shameful on their part. Face Book is NO LONGER the platform it once was; but neither is Twitter and others...

    For all intent and purposes, the LEFT is desperately trying to shut down Conservative thought and reporting. Of course this is Unacceptable and we will find other ways to communicate. People are already doing this and proposing NEW ways to get the TRUTH out.


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