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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Coming Soon To Fruitland


  1. Naysayers have at it!

  2. It would never have a chance to rippen...picjed early for fear of not getting fair share!

  3. Just like when you go to the islands and down south!!!

  4. Strange how real Americans can be homeless yet an illegal can go to a "Sanctuary City" and be housed, and fed. Yup, welcome to America!

  5. The trees will need to be sprayed multiple times per year. Some sprays will need to be repeated after a rain. AND then the fruit cannot be picked for a set period of time after a spray. And any fruit that isn't picked will fall and rot, attracting rodents and stinging insects. All of which involve the city in liabilities for injuries.

    Also, BTW, ask at the homeless shelter whether their clients eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables or whether they prefer doritos, candy and packaged sweet baked goods. (And caffeinated drinks, alcohol, nicotine and drugs above all.)

  6. You know why we don't see fruit trees in Maryland? Let's see if you know the answer.

  7. fruit trees all year long... not sure if that's possible here.

  8. I see poor and homeless eating all the time out of dinner cans.
    You know, those plastic, stone, and metal ones in front of WaWa's, stores, restaurants.

  9. I bet Jake would go for this he'd go for anything if it included a selfie.

  10. Somebody forgot the concept of seasons.

  11. A comedian stated that the homeless population could be reduced by giving them jobs in toll booths. They would have a roof over their heads and still be able to collect change....

  12. "You know why we don't see fruit trees in Maryland? Let's see if you know the answer."

    Duh, I see apple trees, pear trees, cherry trees, peach trees and more in Maryland. Are these not fruit trees?

  13. Some aspiring entrepreneur would pick all the fruit at night and try to sell it for drug money

  14. Maybe in Salisbury NC?

    Probably need to go even further south, as in SC or GA

  15. I think Jakes "Bury" is more suited for banana trees rather than orange trees.


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