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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Trump Base Revolts Over Signing of Budget Bill

“This is the day that The Swamp won”

Donald Trump’s base of hardcore supporters is in uproar over his decision to sign a $1.3 trillion spending measure which puts more money towards walls being built in other countries than the wall that was Trump’s centerpiece campaign promise.

Despite suggesting he would veto the bill earlier in the day, Trump signed it hours later while complaining that in future he would call on Congress to, “give me a line item veto for all government spending bills.”

Trump said the $1.6 billion the bill made available for the wall along the Mexican border only equates to “short term funding, but it’s immediate.”

“We’re going to be starting work literally on Monday” on border wall projects, Trump said.



  1. He had NO Choice he did it for the MILITARY .

  2. Not giving up on President Trump. He knew he had to sign this bill as our Military is in very bad straights and our troops haven't had a decent raise in Many years. The funds for the wall are in the 'Core of Engineers' funding...

    President Trump, by doing this, is exposing the RINO's and the DEMS for who they really are. He is having trouble working with the 'leaders' on both sides and wants them to fail.

  3. Remember....it is a BILL, not a BUDGET.

  4. 10:55 Our military doesn't get squat. The military industrial complex literally gets a Kings ransom.
    We all had to vote for Trump because the other option was Satan. Can you really say he is a good person? He is arrogant, he is a womanizer, he is crude and cruel. I swore to myself after being duped by Obama in 08 that I would NEVER vote for the lesser of two evils again. Over 50% of the country, regardless of who they voted for, did just that last November. I was no exception.
    The press loves to highlight all the issues where we disagree with libs, but we have more issues in common than we have differences. I have watched over years as the comments on this blog went from 100% pro police to questioning some of the glairing problems in our criminal justice system. I have watched liberal friends becoming less trustful of government and turned off by their own party's swing into the furthest extremes of stupidity.
    I have watched one group after another (tea party, occupy, blm) get crushed, lied about, taken over by government and media and steered into a wall. Each side has believed the lies. Occupy was not a bunch of socialist Obama lovers just like the tea party was not a bunch of skinheads. They were good people, I know because I was there. Now we are looking at the same lies being told about Trump voters. I don't believe Trump will be our savior. However he has thrown the whole system into panic mode. The press is a 24 hour Trump bashing parade. They are even exposing tactics that NWO politians have used in the shadows for generations just to try to throw him under the bus. The politians on both sides have a full time job just trying to stop or undo everything Trump does. It is all I hoped for when I voted for him.
    Trump is our wrecking ball. His election has bought us 4 years to either get behind a 3rd party or create one of our own. Both sides are discusted with their party, both sides are discusted with their government. If we create a 3rd party with conservative constitutional values that is palatable to independants and the average liberal and put in place a candidate who is smart, well-spoken, honest and respectful WE WOULD GET 85% OF THE VOTE!!!! Stop believing that a 3rd party is not an option because that is a self fulfilling prophecy. Not only can we do it, a 3rd party candidate would likely not be bought and paid for by the Elites. A 3rd party will come, it will either be created by the liberals, or it will come from us, with our values and ideology.

  5. The fascist media hopes

  6. I trust our president!!

  7. I'm hearing both pros and cons befor I condem our president I want to know a little more of exactly whats in the bill and his reasoning behind signing it.

  8. That's their right,unless this is no longer America.

  9. He will never get a line-item-veto. That what take away from the possibility that these congressmen and senators may not be able to buy votes from those people too lazy to study what is happening in Washington

  10. 719, spew your rhetoric blah elsewhere. AND stop drinking that rock gut wine that tastes like vinegar. ITS BAD FOR YOU!



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