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Saturday, March 24, 2018

South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police

White farmers in South Africa have the most dangerous job in the country, are twice as likely to be murdered than police and are killed at four times the rate of the wider community, a rights group claims.

This week, as the government moves to seize all white-owned land without compensation, civil rights organisation AfriForum claimed there had been 109 attacks which left 15 white farm workers dead so far this year.

This follows 82 killings and 423 attacks in 2016, though none of the figures can be verified because the South African government has refused to release farm murder statistics since 2007.

Some of the killings are reported to have been barbaric, with farm owners tortured, raped, burned alive and slaughtered in front of their families.



  1. Start shooting back.

  2. It would be open season on zulus.
    Where are the liberals crying racism?

  3. I'll have no pity when they start starving to death.

  4. If you have watched the tensions rise there and stayed then you are dumb. There is what is right, then there is what's smart. It's better to be smart.

  5. The white farmers are a very small minority and it would be almost impossible to avoid contact with the black majority.The best thing the white farmers could do would be to salvage what they can and get the hell befor it is too late.

  6. The British people had no civil rights to answer for.


  7. It's South Africa. Got rid of apartheid, which was a bad practice, and the rule by the white minority has now shifted to rule by the black majority. Put simply, some of the blacks are now pursuing a policy and practice of 'payback' which is detrimental to overall progress.

    They need to continue to use the skills and experience of the whites because there is too small a base of educated and experienced blacks to step in solely. Thus they are falling into the hands of reverse racists. Their entire country will continue to suffer.

    A good place to leave if white, and not a place to move to if black.

  8. WHATEVER - we have enough problems in our country than to be worrying about Africa, let alone any other country!


  9. They will reap the consequences of, "biting the hand that feeds them".


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