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Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Ninth Circuit Just Allowed Children To Sue Trump Over Global Warming

A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in favor of 21 children and young adults suing the U.S. government for not doing enough to protect their constitutional right to a stable climate.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judges refused to grant mandamus relief and block the U.S. District Court in Oregon from hearing the suit, which was originally filed by the environmental group Our Children’s Trust in 2015.

A federal judge in Oregon ruled in 2016 the 21 youngsters had standing to sue. President Donald Trump’s administration and oil and gas groups appealed the decision in June 2017. They asked judges to “end this clearly improper attempt to have the judiciary decide important questions of energy and environmental policy” and upset the balance of powers. The Ninth Circuit disagreed.

“There is enduring value in the orderly administration of litigation by the trial courts, free of needless appellate interference,” Judge Sidney Thomas wrote on behalf of the court.



  1. You can only laugh at the left

  2. Soros money is everywhere. This guys needs to be stopped. this is subversion. And now he is using our kids

  3. 6:57 we better those bastards seriously because they are dangerous and they are out to destroy President Trump any way possible.

  4. So let me get this straight. Global warming has been happening for years and now it is President Trumps fault even though he has only been in office a little over a year? LMAO....I hope they do go through with this law suit so everyone can see how dumb they really are!

  5. The US comprises less than 5% of the world population.Think about that for a second.Even if global warming was a reality how much good could 1/20th of the world population do to fix it? Does that same 5% think they rule the entire planet? We seriously do need to get over ourselves.

  6. Soon there will be suits launched by the unborn. Oh, wait, Liberal say that they're not really people until they're born, so never mind.

  7. A "stable climate" isn't a constitutional right!


  8. One of the compelling arguments in favor of having California secede is that they'd take the Ninth Circuit with them. Might be a good deal.


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