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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Ignoring Democrats’ Farrakhan Ties Is The Epitome Of Media Bias

A congressman reaffirmed his ties to an avowed anti-Semite this week, but you wouldn’t know about it if you get your news from the establishment media.

The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Peter Hasson broke the story of Democratic Rep. Danny Davis doubling down on claiming Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is an “outstanding human being.”

“I know Farrakhan, I know the Middle East question, I know the Jews and Farrakhan — I know all that, but that’s not what I spend all my time focused on,” Davis told Hasson with a laugh. The congressman also dismissed the claim — made by his own office — that he had been misquoted about his past praise of Farrakhan.



  1. Islam and the media are just Fascists of a different feather.

  2. No different than The Klan who proclaims to be Christians. But really better because he doesn't hide under No Sheet!!

  3. Farrakhan reminds me of a black Hitler. That man is certified crazy.
    Why would ANYONE associate with him?

  4. Everybody knows Farrakhan is a black racist and anti-Semite. He's praised Hitler in the past. So why are Democrats remaining silent with his recent racist speech? Maybe because his organization gives so much money to them. How biased can you get?

  5. No, they spend most of their time bashing Trump and white bigots while turning their heads the other way when Farrakhan speaks. He's a dangerous man. This will be one more reason to not vote Democratic in upcoming elections.


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