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Sunday, March 11, 2018

The most powerful speech on the Internet. Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas Speech on Floor of House of Delegates


  1. This Delegate and any like him should be lifted up and praised. Wish we had reps even half as dedicated as this person.

  2. 10:46 And how do you know if he is just grandstanding or not?? That it is all for show, just talk!!!! I have never seen a politician not lie...

  3. Wow! Way to go Nick! He nailed it. Unfortunately Dems will never get it.

  4. Hey 10:58
    Why do you comment so ignorant? That's what politicians are suppose to do , speak for the people and he did .

  5. I find it appalling that he democrats use the death of children to promote their cause in the political arena.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 9, 2018 at 12:03 PM

    Outstanding speech by Nick Freitas. And yes, all of the school shootings happened in Gun Free Zones.

  7. Hey 11:44 First check your grammar. Second that maybe what they are "supposed" to do but how many of them do it?? When was the last time you saw a politician speak for "the people" ? That was my point. You must be a Democrat.

  8. Wow! Hit that one out of the park and with no notes or teleprompters. He did not lie nor fabricate but espoused only the truth.
    Well done REP delegate from Culpepper!!
    Please put your hat in the ring and run for a house seat in DC.

  9. 1058-Freitas is a former Green Beret, with multiple tours in current warzones. He's not a typical politician. And he certainly didn't lie about the horrific history of the Democratic party.

    And he's running in the VA Senate primary, to go head to head versus little timmy kaine. He's got my vote!

  10. I agree 10:46. The guy seems sincere to me. I get what other comments are saying reference politicians lying. What I don't get is they gave him a chance and time to say what he did without interruption. Normally some democrat nut would have shouted him down because they don't agree with what he was saying. It is a powerful speech that tells the facts. Thank you Delegate Freitas

  11. 💥Boom💥

  12. 10:58, this is 1046 here, answer: because only democrats and corrupt leo lie and grandstand.

  13. That was absolutely amazing and spot on! 100% of everything he stated is true. I applaud this gentleman for fighting back against the 10:58s of the world MAGA

  14. Ignore 10:58. That commentor is part of the problem. Great job Nicholas!!

  15. Hey 11:44 you're a Democrat aren't you? 😂

  16. Joe, please show this every week for the rest of the year. It was eloquent and the epítome example of the way our politicians should speak when they have the floor. I wish he represented our district.

  17. Nick and Corey Stewart will face off in the Primary against Tim Kaine.


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