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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Breaking News: Kim Jong-un says North Korea is willing to start talks with the U.S. on giving up its nuclear weapons, South Korea says

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has told South Korean envoys that his country is willing to begin negotiations with the United States on abandoning its nuclear weapons and that it would suspend all nuclear and missile tests while it is engaged in such talks, South Korean officials said on Tuesday.


  1. How do talks with crazy people generally go?

  2. They must have tasted McDonald's new fresh beef hamburgers.

  3. I'll believe it when I see third party inspection/verification reports!

    Until then:
    Re-instate operation Chrome-Dome!
    Make the sanctions harder on his country!
    Make the sanctions harder for other countries that trade with his country!

  4. So sad for millions of North Koreans living in prison like conditions that it's taken this long.Any actions taken by this administration may not help them.Those millions may have wanted war.

  5. ...so they stall while they build.

  6. Trust him about as far as I could throw Mr Jellyroll !!

  7. Stalling for more time.........that's All !!!

  8. How does giving into crazy people generally go????

  9. They said they would , as long as they are not threatened. That as long as they were recognized as a legitimate country. We all know that their leader will always feel threatened. They will never give up theirs nukes. I feel this is just a build up to something horrible.

  10. I see this as a positive.

  11. Just keep giving them more time ....they Will Nuke YOU !!!

    They almost there now........just keep your heads in the
    sand ........

    Stupid Govt !! You have to take them out FIRST !!!

  12. Remember HITLER !!! NK one just as bad

    You can't make Deals with the DEVIL !! Wake up America

  13. North Korea has been freed!
    Thank u President Trump!

  14. Read the label, sydneyh. It says only one tablet daily.

  15. Keep an eye on NK - but the other eye must remain on China! That man made island of theirs is getting bigger and bigger by the month!

    Keep your friends close, but enemies closer!!!!

  16. Read Q/Anon. All is being revealed! So exciting!

    Anyway 12:07, I get 2 tabs daily!

  17. NK Not ever giving up a Damn Thing fools !!!!

    Remember Chamberlin kissing Hitler's Ass ????

    Some today need a History Lesson !!!!!

  18. Negotiations Don't work with Evil Tyrants , WAR is a Must,
    so Get it on , & over with !!! Has to be done like WW2 !!

  19. NK learned from that Idiot Chamberlin of WW2 era ...

    They learned from Hitler ,as has the other Dictator Regimes

    They will play the U.S until War begins ......Fact !!

    How Dumb is Our Govt these days....??? Sad


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