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Friday, March 30, 2018

Scientists find class of drug that can kill the MRSA superbug

A new type of antibiotic that kills hospital superbugs has been developed by scientists.

In experiments, the drugs cured mice of notoriously difficult-to-treat, antibiotic-resistant MRSA infections.

The discovery comes as a scientists raise alarm over a global rise in antibiotic resistance, driven by over-prescription of common antibiotics.

The Brown University researchers' breakthrough medication may be one of a whole new group of compounds that, they hope, will have equal success in treating the dangerous infection in humans.



  1. Wow, I can't believe it! It was in tide pods the whole time.

    1. You're a moron. What have you ever done to help humanity and ease the suffering of millions? These people are actually doing fantastic things.

  2. I hear Chicago would be a good place for human testing! No place can be any worse than Chi-town (in America!)

  3. It'll work until medicine abuses it to the point that it's useless. We can only guess if one of the places it will show up is in the food we eat.

  4. 2:39 90% on here are. It's the inbreeding.

  5. Anonymous said...
    2:39 90% on here are. It's the inbreeding.

    March 30, 2018 at 6:20 PM

    Your mom didn't care when I banged her. How do you think you got here?

  6. More drugs to abuse. However, they sure haven't found the real cure for CANCER.


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