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Friday, March 30, 2018

Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Taxpayer-Funded Soros Projects Overseas

State Dept., USAID fail to respond to request for records on spending in Romania, Colombia

The conservative watchdog Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit to try to obtain records from the State Department about the taxpayer-funded political activities of George Soros's groups in Colombia and Romania.

The watchdog said it took the action because the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) failed to respond to its Freedom of Information Act requests last fall for records relating to contracts, grants and other "allocations/disbursements of funds" by Open Society Foundation offices in Romania and Colombia.

The watchdog is also seeking information about Soros's activities in Macedonia and Albania.

"It is time for Americans to be allowed to see State Department documentation regarding the public funding of Soros' Open Society Foundations," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said Wednesday. "The billionaire George Soros needs zero assistance from U.S. taxpayers to promote his far-left agenda abroad."



  1. Since he owns the Democrats they will fight this all the way.

  2. He needs to be hung for TREASON.

  3. confiscate all assets of him and his family plus all so called charities and other groups he sponsors that takes tax payer dollars. Ban him from US and withdraw his citizenship if he is a citizen of the US. He is not a natural born citizen. He came here once the Netherlands kicked him out.


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