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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Meanwhile In The Brick Room...


  1. Now there's a heart attack just waiting to happen.

  2. Looks like Salisbury's newest liberal political wanna be Dan O'Hare. Guys trying to make a name off of a sign downtown that's been there for 70 years. Mr. O'Hare why don't you address some of today's economic issue and not try piggybacking off of race

    1. Caught this clown O'Hares interview on pac14. Another liberal welfare believer running for local political seat. A white man blaming whites for centuries of black cultures poor choices. Nothing ever said about all the white slaves, Irish slaves, or Chinese slaves. And yes he too can be found regularly with the likes of Jake day and associates drunk off their asses.

  3. Its pathetic to watch these clowns that want to feel some sort of relevance in life. This guy O'Hare is just another entitled white kid like Day that thinks he knows all about black cultures problems and if he kisses up to them he'll win their votes

  4. After seeing and listening to O'Hare's wife he has to posted up close to some sort of alcoholic beverage. DAMN!!!!

  5. Ok I'm lost. Who is Dan O'Hare?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Caught this clown O'Hares interview on pac14. Another liberal welfare believer running for local political seat. A white man blaming whites for centuries of black cultures poor choices. Nothing ever said about all the white slaves, Irish slaves, or Chinese slaves. And yes he too can be found regularly with the likes of Jake day and associates drunk off their asses.

    March 10, 2018 at 10:22 AM

    Who interviewed him on PAC 14 and what seat is he running for?

    1. Don't Rush I believe did interview about some documentary he did about confederate marker in downtown Salisbury. He's running for house 37b I believe. The guy is out there around Pluto

  7. I just found this and this clown(his own admission) has got to be one of the biggest lunatics to ever run for public office.

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B
    February 19 at 9:34pm ·
    Dan O'Hare was the first person born to permanent residents of Ocean Pines, Maryland. After high school and some college, Dan knocked around Europe for a while, then lived in Ireland as an illegal immigrant, and then spent a year as a drifter while living out of his car and seeing the USA. He settled in New York City for 14 years before heading back to the Eastern Shore, where he currently lives on 44 acres of spiders situated on the Wicomico River.

    Dan is currently a Realtor, but has worked professionally as a clown, carpenter, actor, writer, cowboy, bouncer, cook, dishwasher, bartender, waiter, manager, and commercial producer. He has owned or had partnerships in 5 small businesses. Additionally, he is an independent filmmaker and documentarian, has produced theater, was an amateur baseball writer, coaches high school lacrosse, and is a judge in the Ocean City Film Festival. In his free time Dan is a gardener, responsible whiskey philosopher, bad poet, inferior fisherman, reader of books, believer in science, and inventor of religions.

    He believes that if any society thinks it's so great then it better be able to feed, house, and provide the best possible medicine for everyone. Dan thinks investing in the future requires investing in education of all people, and that saddling people with debt is inhumane. He thinks sex education should be early and often, free contraceptives should be available to whomever asks, and that neither the government nor employers should get in between a person and their doctor. Dan believes anyone who wants to leave moral and/or ethical questions up to a "free market" sacrifices all moral authority. He also believes that the relationship of money and politics is the root of most of the problems in this country.

    1. Now we can understand why Jake day felt compelled to hire his wife as national folk festival director. A bunch of freaking wing nuts!!

  8. Dan O'Hare's Facebook page. Look at the idiots that liked his moronic statement. No wonder the Democrats didn't put anyone up to run against Carl Anderton, he is one of them just like Fat A$$ Jackie Welfonder. I always wondered why Carl always tries to sound black and talk ghetto like he is cool. That is what uneducated people do. #Makeithappen.

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Liked by: Carl Anderton, Jr., Chuck Cook, Michele Gregory, Jared Schablein, Earle Hatton, Alison Duck,

    Loved 💓by: Jackie Welfonder, Kathy Richardson Zieger, Ben Rayne,

  9. O’Hare? The folk music coordinators husband?

    1. Yes!! You're being taken over by the likes of Anderton, Day and now the O'Hare husband and wife

  10. Only on the eastern shore!

  11. I heard the Brick Room is a gay bar. Can anyone other than Jim Ireton confirm?

    Isn't the owner gay as well?

  12. Anonymous said...
    Don't Rush I believe did interview about some documentary he did about confederate marker in downtown Salisbury. He's running for house 37b I believe. The guy is out there around Pluto

    March 10, 2018 at 2:21 PM

    His documentary film just played in Ocean City.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Now we can understand why Jake day felt compelled to hire his wife as national folk festival director. A bunch of freaking wing nuts!!

    March 10, 2018 at 3:18 PM

    Damn! I keep connecting the dots!

    John Cannon better quit forcing Jake Day and those National Folk Festival clowns on us taxpayers in the County. We don't want that or the marathon.

  14. Anonymous said...
    1:17. WOW!!

    March 10, 2018 at 5:07 PM

    WOW!! Exactly!

  15. My God someone has to please run Jake Day and John Cannon out of office!


  16. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Chuck Cook said... This is what a real candidate looks like.

    Jared Schablein said... Thank God the Chris Adams train wreck has gone on long enough. Liked: Bill Duck

  17. Anonymous said...

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Chuck Cook said... This is what a real candidate looks like.

    Jared Schablein said... Thank God the Chris Adams train wreck has gone on long enough. Liked: Bill Duck

    March 10, 2018 at 6:26 PM

    Hey Pussy Jared Schablein you and your Democrat Party is the train wreck. You can't name one thing that Delegate Adams has done wrong. He will get re-elected and beat that Douche Bag Dan O'Hairless. You, by the way, won't win your election on the Democrat Central Committee either. The voters in this County aren't that stupid.

  18. Anonymous said...
    After seeing and listening to O'Hare's wife he has to posted up close to some sort of alcoholic beverage. DAMN!!!!

    March 10, 2018 at 11:12 AM

    WTF did you say?

    1. After "seeing" & "listening" to Caroline O'Hare as the picture illustrates its no wonder Dan O'Hare would be posted up beside a beer tap. Still need help with the insinuation?? The woman is out there and FUGLY!! Must explain Dan's alcohol problem


  19. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Loved 💓by: Jackie Welfonder, Kathy Richardson Zieger, Ben Rayne,

    March 10, 2018 at 2:09 PM

    Loved 💓by: Seamus Benn also. WTF kind of name is a Seamus? This Baby Douche Bag is a member of James Yakahomo's Social Justice Warrior group and Jamaal Goulds Black Lives Matters group. That little Homo also filed for the Board of Education, District 4. Is that who Wicomico County wants leading education for our kids?

  20. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    John Wright said... I have only 1 question- What is your stance on gun control and the 2nd Amendment?

    Dan O'Hare said... My uncle once killed a polar bear with a bow and arrow. No one needs an AR-15 to hunt deer. The only purpose of high capacity magazines is to kill more people.

    No one needs an AR-15 for home defense. These weapons have got to go.

    I like what Australia did and I think we should have followed their lead before we ever got to Sandy Hook.

    Dan O'Hare said... Also, as for the second amendment, it has been used as a cudgel to elect people that go over and above to preserve that amendment while trampling on the first, fourth, and eighth amendment. If only the others were as sacred to us as the 2nd we would certainly be a much freer society.

    John Wright said... Dan O'Hare Thank you.

    Hoffy Hoffman said... Dan O'Hare just an FYI, an AR15 is not powerful enough to properly hunt deer. I would use AR10 for your argument as it is more commonly used

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B said... Hoffy Hoffman actually I think you just helped illustrate my point even further.

    Dan O'Hare said... And not to harp on this point, but here is another example of where money in politics is causing problems. The NRA buys candidates. Just like the pharmaceutical companies do. How are politicians supposed to even pretend to be acting in the best interests of anyone other that the people that funnel them millions of dollars?

    Hoffy Hoffman said... I don’t believe so, but I have deleted my response and can save it for face to face conversation. The terms you should be using in my opinion are high powered rifles with high capacity magazines.

    Jeffrey Johnson said... And if we want to use the 2nd amendment as an argument I think everyone and anyone has the right to have 2 muskets per person. At the time of writing that was the gun they were referring too.

  21. Listen to these Libtards! Only 15 views and Michele Gregory is after that with NO views, Zero (0) views.


    Published on Mar 7, 2018

    Dan is a progressive political activist, film maker and realtor, a voice that need be heard.



  22. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B
    February 8 ·

    It's official.

    Liked by: Jake Burdett ForDem CentralCommittee.

    Loved💓by: Jackie Welfonder, Caroline O'Hare, Lauren Elizabeth,

    Jackie Wellfonder said... Rock on Dan!! 🤟🏻

    Aidar Karabalaev said... Left is on the rise ✊🚩

    Jennifer Thorson said... The Blue Wave is coming!

    Eric Russell Walston said... Im sorry, but I think you will need to validate this, You make be Russia meddling again, Liked: Dan O'Hare

  23. Jake Burdett ForDem CentralCommittee
    February 1 ·

    If you're interested in Maryland politics, please consider coming to the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus' event this Saturday at the Poplar Hill Mansion in Wicomico County at 5:30. The event is a meet and greet with Ben Jealous, who is a current Democratic candidate for Governor of Maryland and the former President of the NAACP. He is trying to make Maryland the first state to have single payer healthcare, which would be historic because nearly every other modern western nation has already done that. Ben Jealous has been endorsed by both Progressive Maryland and Our Revolution, the organization that spawned out of Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign. Please RSVP here http://..... and feel free to share this event with any individuals or groups who you feel may be interested in attending. All are welcome!


    I saw this on this little boys FB campaign page and I wonder how unethical it is for Jake Day to allow his Democrat buddies to hold a campaign event in the Poplar Hill Mansion which is a City owned building. Sarah Meyers is running for the Democrat Central Committee and she is the currator of Poplar Hill Mansion.

    This reeks of ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL!

    Jake Day can you and Sarah Meyers please explain why you are using city property and holding fundraisers for your Democrat buddies at the taxpayers expense??


    Ben Jealous, candidate in the Democratic primary for Governor, will be visiting us to speak about his campaign and answer questions from our members. RSVP link will be posted in the ticket link shortly.

    These are confirmed "Went" and they are confirmed BLM and radical Democrats. The ones with Quotations are running for some office: Jake Burdett ForDem CentralCommittee, 'Jared Schablein," "Seamus Benn," "Carissa Antonis,' Michael Feldman, Sarah Meyers, Constance Weaver Pullen, "Michele Gregory," Crystal Jones, Amanda Jackson, Justin Butler, "Dan O'Hare," "Josh Hastings,"Caroline O'Hare"

  24. Anonymous said...
    Jake Burdett ForDem CentralCommittee
    February 1 ·

    If you're interested in Maryland politics, please consider coming to the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus' event this Saturday at the Poplar Hill Mansion in Wicomico County at 5:30. The event is a meet and greet with Ben Jealous, who is a current Democratic candidate for Governor of Maryland and the former President of the NAACP. He is trying to make Maryland the first state to have single payer healthcare, which would be historic because nearly every other modern western nation has already done that. Ben Jealous has been endorsed by both Progressive Maryland and Our Revolution, the organization that spawned out of Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign. Please RSVP here http://..... and feel free to share this event with any individuals or groups who you feel may be interested in attending. All are welcome!


    I saw this on this little boys FB campaign page and I wonder how unethical it is for Jake Day to allow his Democrat buddies to hold a campaign event in the Poplar Hill Mansion which is a City owned building. Sarah Meyers is running for the Democrat Central Committee and she is the currator of Poplar Hill Mansion.

    This reeks of ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL!

    Jake Day can you and Sarah Meyers please explain why you are using city property and holding fundraisers for your Democrat buddies at the taxpayers expense??


    Ben Jealous, candidate in the Democratic primary for Governor, will be visiting us to speak about his campaign and answer questions from our members. RSVP link will be posted in the ticket link shortly.

    These are confirmed "Went" and they are confirmed BLM and radical Democrats. The ones with Quotations are running for some office: Jake Burdett ForDem CentralCommittee, 'Jared Schablein," "Seamus Benn," "Carissa Antonis,' Michael Feldman, Sarah Meyers, Constance Weaver Pullen, "Michele Gregory," Crystal Jones, Amanda Jackson, Justin Butler, "Dan O'Hare," "Josh Hastings,"Caroline O'Hare"

    March 11, 2018 at 9:38 AM

    Mr. Albero,

    This is an excellent question. Is there anyway you can direct that to Jake Day and the so called "Leaders" of the City Council. I would love to see a story and what their response is.

  25. Memo to Delegate Chris Adams and Delegate Johnny Mautz check out who has your back, or rather who doesn't have your back.

    Watch your back Chris and Johnny Mautz. No wonder we always see Ghetto Boy Carl Anderton taking pictures with Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Sheree Sample-Hughes and Jim Mathias. Don't trust that guy, he will stab you in the back as we have seen multiple times.


  26. "Dan O'Hare was the first person born to permanent residents of Ocean Pines, Maryland."

    Big F'n Deal! Does that qualify that illegal alien to be elected as a State Delegate? Does he think that makes him look like he is a "Local." Well guess what, he isn't!

  27. Boy what would Dan O'Hare do without his mommy?? Sounds like she's allowed him to F*** off for a couple decades now he's trying to play grown up. See he's riding her tail coat in the real estate business. Look at the similarities between these two clowns Day and O'Hare. Now the want to play politics like they actually have something beneficial to say. I would like to see either of them come up with an original idea

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    After "seeing" & "listening" to Caroline O'Hare as the picture illustrates its no wonder Dan O'Hare would be posted up beside a beer tap. Still need help with the insinuation?? The woman is out there and FUGLY!! Must explain Dan's alcohol problem

    March 11, 2018 at 4:15 PM

    I agree, not only is she FUGLY, she is extremely CREEPY! Wearing that National Folk Festival scarf every day. Doesn't she realize how stupid she looks.


  29. Caroline O'Hare
    February 16 near Salisbury, MD ·

    I dig it!

    (Groundbreaking ceremony for the new amphitheater in Downtown Salisbury with Senator Cardin, Senator Van Hollen, Mayor Day, Bunky Luffman, Julia Glanz, Amanda Pollack, and Delmarva Veteran Builders). #NFFMaryland


    What does this woman do for 40 hours a week?

    How does the Jake Day justify putting this woman on the payroll with a fulltime salary?

    How does this woman sleep at night knowing she is raping the taxpayers?


  30. In case you were wondering about this woman's work ethic and experience, she has none. She can't keep a job longer than a few months to 6 years. This woman is unemployable. WTF in their right mind would hire her with this pathetic Resume?? Oh Wait! Jake Day did. Look what he did with the City Administrators position. He demoted Tom Stevenson for a Millenial buddy with no work experience except calling herself a "Community Organizer." Worked for Obama. Then he hired 2 inexperienced clowns as Deputy City Administrators who were also buddies.

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Caroline O'Hare
    Local Manager - National Folk Festival at City of Salisbury


    City of Salisbury
    Local Manager - National Folk Festival
    Company Name - City of Salisbury
    Dates Employed - Sep 2017 – Present
    Employment Duration - 7 mos
    Location - Salisbury, Maryland

    Administrative Head
    Company Name - Wicomico Day School
    Dates Employed - Sep 2015 – Sep 2017
    Employment Duration -2 yrs 1 mo

    Creative Director - Promos (Live! with Kelly and Michael)
    Company Name - Studio City
    Dates Employed - May 2014 – Aug 2014
    Employment Duration -4 mos
    Location - new york, new york

    Company Name - Definition 6
    Dates Employed -Aug 2013 – May 2014
    Employment Duration - 10 mos
    Location - NYC

    Company Name - Viacom MTV On-Air Promos
    Dates Employed -2011 – 2013
    Employment Duration - 2 yrs
    Location - Greater New York City Area

    Production Management
    Company NameViacom MTV On-Air Promos
    Dates Employed - 2005 – 2011
    Employment Duration - 6 yrs
    Location - Greater New York City Area

    NYC Department of Education
    Teacher at P.S. 384
    Company Name - NYC Department of Education
    Dates Employed - 2002 – 2005
    Employment Duration - 3 yrs
    Location - Brooklyn, NY

    The Lopes Picture Company
    Office Production Coordinator
    Company Name - The Lopes Picture Company
    Dates Employed - 1998 – 2001
    Employment Duration - 3 yrs

    The Cool Fire Group / coolfire.interactive
    Meeting Planner / Assistant to the Executive Producer
    Dates Employed - 1997 – 1998
    Employment Duration - 1 yr
    Location - Greater New York City Area

    1. Tom Stevenson is right in Jake day's hip pocket. Stevenson is a camelia, he'll adapt to any group to get what he needs. Jake created a whole new position for Stevenson so he could put Glantz in there. Day did that per Stevenson request. The guy didn't know what he was doing and got tired of looking like a dumbass

  31. Caroline O'Hare
    February 20 at 4:23pm · Salisbury, MD ·

    Check it out! The best in Bluegrass, Reggae, Salsa Dura, and so much more!! This is going to be ah-mazing!!! #NFFMaryland


    First Eight Performers Announced for 78th National Folk Festival | National Folk Festival Salisbury, MD

    Salisbury, MD – The National Folk Festival announced today the first group of artists who will be performing in downtown Salisbury from September 7 – 9, 2018. T...


    Um... The last time I checked Reggae and Salsa wasn't Folk music. Nice try Caroline. They had to get those bands because no one wants to play folk music in this Ghetto Town. I've got a feeling that "Reggae" and similar music will be just like the Salisbury Festival with gangs and black thugs running up and down the streets beating up and ganging up on people. Just wait till that happens and da 'GhettoBury will make National news! Oh, I can't wait.

  32. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Liked by: Sean Fahey

    Sean Fahey? WTH?? I thought he was a Republican? What happened to his allegiance to the Republican Party? I thought he and Marc Kilmer were buddies? Makes me wonder about Kilmer now.

  33. About


    Political Info
    Currently Running for
    Maryland State Delegate for 37B, United States, Democrat

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Ocean Pines, MD


    Dan O'Hare is running for Maryland House of Delegates in District 37B.
    Candidate Committee: DAN OHARE FOR MARYLAND. Treasurer Torrez Wise, Chairperson Mark Decker.
    Political Candidate

    Someone should tell this Goofy Dimwit that Ocean Pines is District 38C not 37B.

    1. Thank you!! He doesn't have a clue!! Hes too busy trying to save all of terrez wises' peeps!! This clown wize now has a claim to fame for helping on documentary the confederate sign downtown. Mr. O'Hare took him away from the endless task of helping educate his people about financial awareness. Yea this guy O'Hare is a white guy supporting BLM right here in your back yard. Now he wants to take their motives to house of Rep. Why doesn't Wize just run himself instead of letting the "white" man

  34. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    John Wright said... I have only 1 question- What is your stance on gun control and the 2nd Amendment?

    Dan O'Hare said... My uncle once killed a polar bear with a bow and arrow. No one needs an AR-15 to hunt deer. The only purpose of high capacity magazines is to kill more people.

    No one needs an AR-15 for home defense. These weapons have got to go.

    I like what Australia did and I think we should have followed their lead before we ever got to Sandy Hook.

    Dan O'Hare said... Also, as for the second amendment, it has been used as a cudgel to elect people that go over and above to preserve that amendment while trampling on the first, fourth, and eighth amendment. If only the others were as sacred to us as the 2nd we would certainly be a much freer society.

    John Wright said... Dan O'Hare Thank you.

    Hoffy Hoffman said... Dan O'Hare just an FYI, an AR15 is not powerful enough to properly hunt deer. I would use AR10 for your argument as it is more commonly used

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B said... Hoffy Hoffman actually I think you just helped illustrate my point even further.

    Dan O'Hare said... And not to harp on this point, but here is another example of where money in politics is causing problems. The NRA buys candidates. Just like the pharmaceutical companies do. How are politicians supposed to even pretend to be acting in the best interests of anyone other that the people that funnel them millions of dollars?

    Hoffy Hoffman said... I don’t believe so, but I have deleted my response and can save it for face to face conversation. The terms you should be using in my opinion are high powered rifles with high capacity magazines.

    Jeffrey Johnson said... And if we want to use the 2nd amendment as an argument I think everyone and anyone has the right to have 2 muskets per person. At the time of writing that was the gun they were referring too.

  35. Dan O'Hare is a big supporter of BLM. He and his side kick Torres Size have one agenda and that's to eliminate anything historical that exists from civil war era. They are continuing to blame white America for the black communities problems. I ask both O'Hare and Wize how the hell is this era in history effecting today's black thug culture? What about it is causing such chaos in our public schools? I say this Mr O'Hare why don't you sell the property mommy helped you get and move over to the westside somewhere and see how quickly you change your mind

  36. Dan O'Hare believes that ALL should get FREE healthcare, education. He also thinks that any and all wealth should be taken and divided up among all. Does this sound like a white kid born raised in Berlin MD? Sounds like someone extremely influenced by his newfound "brother" Torres Wize.

  37. OK Salisbury you keep outdoing yourselves with these illustrious candidates you allow to represent you. Let's see: Jake day, Jim Ireton, mike Dunn, April Jackson, jack heath and now this moron Dan O'Hare. It's no wonder your city is the stock of Maryland.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Tom Stevenson is right in Jake day's hip pocket. Stevenson is a camelia, he'll adapt to any group to get what he needs. Jake created a whole new position for Stevenson so he could put Glantz in there. Day did that per Stevenson request. The guy didn't know what he was doing and got tired of looking like a dumbass

    March 12, 2018 at 8:03 AM

    And Julia Glanz doesn't know WTH she is doing so she looks like the Dumbass. The Real Dumbass is Jake Day who hired that useless LGBTQ Community Organizer that roams the 3rd Floor of the GOB looking for something to do. Then they hire 2 more useless, inexperienced Community Organizers as Deputy City Administrators to help Julia Glanz look even more like a Dumbass since they are useless Dumbasses. The second Deputy Dumbass was hired to help run the National Folk Festival. And then when no one was paying attention they hired a 3rd Dumbass to do what the 2nd Dumbass was hired to do. That 3rd Dumbass was Caroline O'Hare who also has no experience and can't keep a job. The National Folk Festival is only supposed to be here for 3 years so that will fit right into her resume for only staying on a job for 4 years. But Jake Day will still be the Ghetto'Bury Mare and he will keep her employed. He will come up with something to make it look like she is employed to "critique" the National Folk Festival and then he will change her job description. Once Dumbass Dan gets spanked in the General Election for the House of Delegates Jake Day will have no use for him or he might create a job for him.

    Jake Day has an office full of useless Dumbasses.

    Hopefully someone Conservative will unseat Jake Day in the City race.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Thank you!! He doesn't have a clue!! Hes too busy trying to save all of terrez wises' peeps!! This clown wize now has a claim to fame for helping on documentary the confederate sign downtown. Mr. O'Hare took him away from the endless task of helping educate his people about financial awareness. Yea this guy O'Hare is a white guy supporting BLM right here in your back yard. Now he wants to take their motives to house of Rep. Why doesn't Wize just run himself instead of letting the "white" man

    March 12, 2018 at 7:34 AM

    Who is this Bozo Torrez Wise?? Never heard of him.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Dan O'Hare is a big supporter of BLM. He and his side kick Torres Size have one agenda and that's to eliminate anything historical that exists from civil war era. They are continuing to blame white America for the black communities problems. I ask both O'Hare and Wize how the hell is this era in history effecting today's black thug culture? What about it is causing such chaos in our public schools? I say this Mr O'Hare why don't you sell the property mommy helped you get and move over to the westside somewhere and see how quickly you change your mind

    March 12, 2018 at 7:50 AM

    Where does Dan O'Hairless live? Where is this property that mommy bought him that you speak of? Does he really live on 44 acres on the river?

  41. Anonymous said...
    Dan O'Hare believes that ALL should get FREE healthcare, education. He also thinks that any and all wealth should be taken and divided up among all. Does this sound like a white kid born raised in Berlin MD? Sounds like someone extremely influenced by his newfound "brother" Torres Wize.

    March 12, 2018 at 8:39 AM

    Dumbass Dan does want to redistribute the wealth. I have an idea since Black Lives Matters then why doesn't he take Caroline and the little one and move them over to First Skreet, Second Skreet, Fitzwater Skreet, Pearl Skreet, Delaware Avenue, West Main Skreet or Catherine Skreet. Move into Pemberton Manor Apartments on Fairground Drive. How about moving to the Village at Mitchell Pond? You can preach BLM all you want to but until you live in the Ghetto you can't take sides.

    All of these Black Lives Matter Whiteys need to be sentenced to living in the armpit of Salisbury's ghetto's for a minimum of 5 years and then let's talk about removing white America's heritage.

  42. Anonymous said...
    OK Salisbury you keep outdoing yourselves with these illustrious candidates you allow to represent you. Let's see: Jake day, Jim Ireton, mike Dunn, April Jackson, jack heath and now this moron Dan O'Hare. It's no wonder your city is the stock of Maryland.

    March 12, 2018 at 1:53 PM

    Do you mean laughing stock of Maryland?

  43. Anonymous said...
    Dan O'Hare believes that ALL should get FREE healthcare, education. He also thinks that any and all wealth should be taken and divided up among all. Does this sound like a white kid born raised in Berlin MD? Sounds like someone extremely influenced by his newfound "brother" Torres Wize.

    March 12, 2018 at 8:39 AM

    He can give out all the FREE sh!t he wants as long as he pays for it. But you know that's not going to happen.

    I guarantee you that Wicomico Day School is glad to get rid of Caroline. LMAO. She and Dan were always talked about at that school, I know for a fact.

  44. Jake Day's own resident Black Lives Matters racist employed by the taxpayers of Salisbury!

    Amber Green
    Yesterday at 1:38pm · Salisbury, MD ·
    Torrez Wise..... You did that bro!! 🙌🏾👏🏾✊🏾

    Loved💓by: Burley Williams, Dan O'Hare, Seamus Benn, Richard K. Pope, William Strang-Moya, Nykeba White, David Wainwright Topher, Torrez Wise, Kathy Richardson Zieger, James Yamakawa, Mark N. Decker (All BLM's)


    Torrez Wise said... Thanks you and so did you I’m so humbled by everyone’s response I still don’t have the words to describe this feeling

  45. Torrez Wise
    1 hr ·

    If you missed the premiere at the movie theater.

    The Sign free screening at The Brick Room

    The Brick Room · Salisbury, MD

    To every red blooded American who is sick and tired of Black Lives Matters racists and Social Justice Warriors racists this is your opportunity to disassociate yourself from doing business with "The Brick Room." Let's see how long Alex Scott's gay bar can survive on black thugs business now.

    The racist owner of this Gay Bar(Alex Scott) is also running on the Democrat ticket for the Wicomico County Council, District 2.

    Vote Marc Kilmer, NOT Alexander W. Scott.

  46. This punk kid wants to be your elected Board of Education rep responsible for education YOUR children. Another racist white punk hating his own race. How can you be "educated" by a film produced by people who aren't even credentialed "educators??" This Black Lives Matters loving, high school punk needs to start his education all over.

    Seamus Benn
    Yesterday at 11:49am ·

    The Sign was an amazing film. I laughed, i cried, but most importantly, I left educated. You are missing out if you don’t go and see it at some point. Dan O'Hare,Mark N. Decker, Torrez Wise, William Strang-Moya, for a job done exceptionally well. Also had an amazing time last night with some new and old friends James Yamakawa Amber Green Nia Neche' Jamaad Gould Dai'Sha Berry


  47. Here is a picture of Salisbury Mare Jake Day, Bill Duck, Dan O'Hare, Sarah Myers, Jamaad Gould, Torrez Wise, Seamus Benn, James Yamakawa and other Black Lives Matters thugs and thuggettes attending the "Sign" at the run-down theater in Ocean City on Sunday night. That's right Ocean City, not Salisbury. Thank God there was hardly anyone there. LMAO! These thugs are trying to get the County to remove the sign for General John Henry Winder off the County Courthouse property. General John Henry Winder is more of a Soldier and more of an American Hero than Jake Day will every be. This is county property, not city property so Jake Day needs to stay out of it. Jake Day obviously hates his own race. Are you idiots proud of the fact that you supported Jake Day and now he is running YOUR race and your heritage in the ground. Jake Day is a poser and a HATER!


  48. Joe hear is something you need to do a story on. Why the Hell do the City of Salisbury taxpayers have to foot the bill for another community center on Truitt Street in the ghetto. How many community centers do we need in Salisbury and all benefit black people and basketball? Please tell me where there are community centers and parks in Salisbury for white people. Places my kids can play soccer, baseball, softball and lacrosse. Why do I/we have to pay for other people who contribute absolutely NOTHING to the tax base in Salisbury? Who's going to pay for the upkeep of this community center? Let me guess? Stand by for more tax increases thanks to Jake Day and idiots like Jack Heath and Manure Boda.

    Jacob Day
    15 hrs via Instagram ·

    I love the look of progress!!! Truitt Street Community Center is fast approaching its opening next Monday. — at Downtown Salisbury.


  49. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Amber Green
    February 8 at 4:43pm

    Seriously??? 😂👌🏾🤦🏾‍♀️
    1 Like

    Julia Glanz likes this.

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B said... Seriously :)

    Amber Green said... I'll drink to that!

    Michele Gregory

    Michele Gregory said... Lookin at you Amber Green 😉

    Amber Green


  50. Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Michael Pullen is that idiot saying nasty things about Congressman Andy Harris and he is running as a Democrat against Harris. No Worries Andy!

    Michael Pullen
    February 19 at 10:16pm

    Dan O’Hare cares about the people of our District. He has the values we need in Annapolis.
    1 Comment


    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B Thanks!

  51. Another freaking Whacko democrat wannabe who got spanked by Mary Beth Corroza in 38C. At least she is smart enough to not run again. Same thing will be happening to this O'Hairless idiot!

    Dan O'Hare for Maryland Delegate 37B

    Judy Harris Davis commented
    February 20 at 8:47am

    Thank you for stepping up to represent the people of District 37B. Your enthusiasm for the marginalized and respect for everyone will be an attribute to your constituents.

  52. Sounds like the O'Hare family, both Dan and Caroline have found a "sucker" on Jake day. They must feel like they have stumbled on their meal ticket to sustain their useless work skills and résumé. The O'Hare's better hope Jake day stays in office for quite a long time. That goes for "all" the administrators and the new public works director of field operations. A bunch of wasted salaries on unqualified employees

  53. The sign!! Wow what a poor excuse for a bunch of 30 something's to get together and get drunk ( except for O'Hare he's now into his 40's and still refuses to grow up). O'Hare talks about this confederate generals mental health and what he did during the war. Mr O'Hare it was war and there are a lot of tragic events that take place. Just like the way people like yourself sold out your people in Benghazi. After reading your self proclaimed résumé on Facebook you might want to get some mental health treatment

  54. "A responsible whiskey philosopher". WTF kind of reference is that? Sounds like someone who gets drunk and just rambles on about things they really know nothing about

  55. Today's so called leaders all have one thing in common. They all continue to try and live like kings and queens yet not one has done a hard day's work in their lives. Its sad when you have failed in the job market and have to attempt feeling relevant at working a government job. As far as the community center in truitt street what the hell are you thinking? Anyone that knows anything about running a successful enterprise you never continue to throw good money after bad

  56. Watching this ridiculous interview on Pac14 now and its absolutely pathetic. This poor guy Wise or Wize however its spelled can't even put together a full sentence. O'Hare looking over to him trying to help him get his thoughts out. Its obvious O'Hare is using this guys prejudice and racist views to try and create another race based political platform. They have nothing else to go on. This is what you vet when the uneducated are allowed to participate in lower level government and politics.

  57. Sounds like this little click of "progressive politicians" in Salisbury are trying to get mike Mike Dunn to slip one in at the last minute to try and reappropriate funds for the "school system" to the national folk festival train wreck. Sounds like not too many people "coughed" up the 1000.00 gift to get a brick with their name on it at the new amphitheater

  58. Anonymous said...
    The sign!! Wow what a poor excuse for a bunch of 30 something's to get together and get drunk ( except for O'Hare he's now into his 40's and still refuses to grow up). O'Hare talks about this confederate generals mental health and what he did during the war. Mr O'Hare it was war and there are a lot of tragic events that take place. Just like the way people like yourself sold out your people in Benghazi. After reading your self proclaimed résumé on Facebook you might want to get some mental health treatment

    March 13, 2018 at 8:32 AM

    Bingo! Dan O'Hairless is the one with the mental issues and he is a traitor.

    I will take General John Henry Winder over any wannabe soldiers like the Jake Day Millenial Morons of today. At least General Winder went to war many times unlike Jake Day, and fought for what he believed in for both Americas, the United States and the 4 years of the Confederate States. He is still an American hero, unlike Jake Day who is a pussy who is afraid to go and shows all these fake pictures on his Facebook page.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like the O'Hare family, both Dan and Caroline have found a "sucker" on Jake day. They must feel like they have stumbled on their meal ticket to sustain their useless work skills and résumé. The O'Hare's better hope Jake day stays in office for quite a long time. That goes for "all" the administrators and the new public works director of field operations. A bunch of wasted salaries on unqualified employees

    March 13, 2018 at 8:20 AM

    We need a real Conservative to run Jake Day out of his $50K job and put someone in there to drain the swamp that he has created. And Mark Tilghman you have been a disappointment as a city lawyer.


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