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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Hillary: Trump Voters "Didn't Like Black People Getting Rights" or "Women Getting Jobs"

Taking a break from her girls' trip to India with top aide Huma Abedin and an unknown blonde woman, Hillary Clinton told a Mumbai audience that Americans don't "deserve" Donald Trump as President, and that Trump voters hate black people, women, and Indian Americans.

“I would have to say, no, we did not deserve that,” said Clinton at the Saturday event, adding "He ran the first reality TV campaign and he was the first reality TV candidate."

“If you watch reality TV, you know it means that the person who is the most outrageous, the person who says the politically incorrect things, the person who’s insulting and attacking, drives big ratings,” said the failed presidential candidate.

Hillary then called Trump voters racists and misogynists:

...I won the places that represent 2/3 of America's gross domestic product. So I won the areas that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign "Make America Great Again," was looking backwards.

You know, you didn't like black people getting rights, you don't like women, you know, getting jobs, you don't wanna see that Indian American succeeding more than you are.



  1. How does this biotch know what I like and dont like?

  2. The loser speaks again . when will she learn/she does not speak for the people .

  3. She STILL doesn't understand why he won and she lost.

    America is feed up with the thought police. America is feed up with the constant regulating of our lives in general.

    The entire left is in a giant bubble that they created. The have fallen into one of the many traps that Fascists fall into. They ll began to believe their own lies so they think that everyone else also believes them. Not so says I. They are losing their zombie army one at a time, day by day. Soon all that will be left is a few pockets of poorly informed "intellectuals".

  4. Praise God this woman did not become President.

  5. Please Lord, make her go away.

    1. She is a high priest in Santanic cult
      Hillary's days are numbered...the evil calls for her to return to hell

  6. Both her and Obama just won't go away. They don't realize that their opinion no longer counts.

  7. Good grief woman; you LOST. period...hopefully soon to go to prison.

  8. Fake Hillary. Conservatives love the fact ALL people are getting jobs. All because Trump is a man of his word.

  9. Hillary needs counseling. She's got a real mental problem.

  10. Actually, sweetheart, they just didn't like you

  11. Satan pulls her strings more lies and deception

  12. Hillary, Just shut up already. We didn't want you then and we don't want you now. You don't and never did speak for me.


  13. Now she's stumbling around the Indian sub-continent with Huma in tow babbling about herself. Hope she goes to Antarctica to court the penguin vote. Sheesh!

  14. We Don't Like > Being Discriminated against by the
    Reverse Discrimination > called Affirmative Action !!!

    And we will see the day when it is made Unlawful & thrown
    the hell Out !!!

    Blacks did back to us, what was done to some of them ,years ago & that is NOT how you get Equality , by discriminating
    against Whites & other groups , and Favoring Blacks Over all
    others .......... We Need Real Equality for ALL !!!

    Yes, we are the Trump Team , and Proud of it , and WE
    ARE taking America Back & Draining the Swamp !!!!!

  15. Hillary is a Hate monger like Farrakahn / Al Sharpton /
    Jesse Jackson / Cummings / & the rest !!!

    She Don't Matter anymore ...let her blow smoke !!!!

    She just May , go to prison before it is over !! LOL


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