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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Clinton Responds to Backlash From India Interview: ‘I Meant No Disrespect to Any Individual or Group’

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton posted on Facebook Saturday to try and explain her widely-criticized comments made in India about Donald Trump voters and his presidential campaign.

Clinton wrote that during the interview, she was asked whether Trump is a virus or a symptom of something deeper going on in American society.

"My first instinct was to defend Americans and explain how Donald Trump could have been elected," Clinton said.

During her comments in India, which were criticized by both the right and left, Clinton said in 2016 she was successful in parts of the country that are "optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving-forward" while Trump won more "backward" regions. "His whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backward," she said. "You know, ‘you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is, I’m going to solve it.'"



  1. She friggin crazy i voted for trump because i got tired of hearing both parties breaking promise after promise after being elected. I have been studing the NWO for decades and most politicians are fully engaged in selling out our sovereignty to a demonic global cabal. Trump to me turns this globalist pipe dream on it head. It's pretty obvious his plan is working since we are seeing group after group of ignorance trying to thwart his progress to make this country truly free again.

  2. I'm begging ALL news outlets including this one. Can we please have a 30 day moratorium on any and all Hilary Clinton news. Then maybe she'll take the hint and go hide under a rock.


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