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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Dear United States of America,

The image of country meant a lot to our forefathers and the freedom of worship in our churches. As our country aged we forgot about what family meant. What keeping a relationship together took. Husbands cheating on their wife’s, and wife’s cheating on their husband now days is just disgusting. As spiritual lawlessness trampled our country of late. All they do is take, take, take. We are making a huge mistake by not standing up for what our country was formed for. Not freedom of prostitution in every state, not allowing child molesters and people convicted of child pornography run around our streets. Web pages such as www.backpage.com , and www.craigslist.com and we turn our heads? What are we going to do for the future of our children and the generations to come. Sit back and let the blood that was shed in years past go to waste or are we going to stand for what’s right and end the madness. We took God out of schools and we wonder why there’s more school shootings and more crime than ever before. Freedom of worship was the biggest freedom our ancestor came here for. Well think about the money wasted protecting the criminals that are destroying our country. Plan out simple its common sense. Wonder why so many are in such pain its because we forgot the basics of how we began.


  1. There are a few convents and monasteries left, you should join.

    1. I do believe he was taking about people like you who don't have a clue what makes a real American.

  2. I love how people think that cheating on your spouse didn't happen in the time of our forefathers. And God wasn't injected into our schools until the 1950s. Enjoy your fantasies.

    1. It's easier for them to pretend the world was perfect "back in their day" while their generation is the reason we are where we are. Wage war on science and education and see where it gets us

  3. This article clearly demonstrates how terrible is our public education.
    The author doesn't understand basic principles of the Constitution.
    What is up with all of the talk about God?
    There was never a clarification about which god he/she refers.

    More important than religious freedom (including the freedom for Jews to pretend to be Christians) is the Constitution's dismissal of STATUTORY LAW.

    The Founders were fleeing from Statutes from the King, or Dictates, Orders, including Executive Orders, so on.

    COMMON LAW was established in America and that may be the best part of the US Constitution.

  4. Religion has no sway. Catholic priests molest kids time and time again. Fear of God is for those who aren't capable of having morals without it.

  5. The truth of the word will set you free. You deny your maker and HIS LAWS you will pay. Not one of you are perfect and all knowing. Most posting here here are to IGNORANT to understand. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU!! MORONS!!! Instead you chose to believe a lier and a deceiver? The new age religions and its watered down crap. Hey look its ok to do these things God does not know jack. So you keep listening to that rot and you will find out soon enough about fantasies. Your kind will also be fooled when the demon alien UFOs come to drag you to hell.

  6. God is not, and never has been, kicked out of schools. You have to stop with this tired discredited meme.

    But for arguments sake.. let me concede to you that point... Tell me, what would "putting God back in schools" look like? What, exactly, would that be? And, how specifically, would it address your concerns?

    And on that note...

    God is certainly not kicked out of churches... is he? It could be argued it's the place he is most not kicked out of. That doesn't stop children from being molested there, does it? The author cried about about child abuse... but I don't see how this fact fits this narrative. Church congregations have infidelity, scandal... and arguably.. .there is not another place you would find more "God" than in a church.

    See, I think the form of what you argue is"if everyone was part of my brand of religion, then these problems would not exist" yet there are those same problems found in Churches.

    The conclusions drawn simply do not follow.

  7. @5:42 PM

    "The truth of the word will set you free"... from what? Can you describe what being "free" is after said "truth of the word"?

    You may also want to try a different tact than mafia style protection racket persuasion. Where you better pay or else. It's not a very convincing argument ESPECIALLY if you follow it up with your Deity being any sort of loving or merciful. It just doesn't square up. At bare minimum don't start with it.

    Most important, be careful calling people ignorant or morons. Especially since there is not a shred of credible demonstrable evidence for your deity.

    You also assert that I listen to a "lier and deceiver", correct me if I'm wrong, but you mean Satan, right? Consider the absurdity of assuming that I would believe in and follow Satan, when I'm not convinced your God exists. It, doesn't make really make sense.

    We can agree on your position on new age religions.

    Demon alien UFO aliens drag me to hell? Which one? I have read the bible, and read on the disagreements between Christians on what this hell is... some say burning eternally, some say burn until dead then don't exist, some say it's just darkness - a "separation" from god. Some specificity would be nice. Also, again, threats generally are a bad way to convince someone of the truth of an argument.

    Either way, I'm not convinced your deity exists, ipso facto said threat of hell is equally questionable... and not very scary or convincing.

    I think I understand that you believe all of these things, and you feel that you must vehemently defend something that has no reason to be believed, so you lash out with threats and insults. Keep in mind this is not convincing. Were it true, it would be evident and demonstrable. So far, they have not been.


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