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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

William Happer Says Climate Models Are Bad

Princeton University physicist William Happer is not a fan of models used to predict future manmade global warming, and stars in a new educational video laying out the reasons he believes climate models are faulty.

“And I know they don’t work. They haven’t worked in the past. They don’t work now. And it’s hard to imagine when, if ever, they’ll work in the foreseeable future,” Happer said in a video produced by PragerU.

In the video, Happer argues that even supercomputers used to predict the weather and forecast future global warming aren’t strong enough to capture the complexity of Earth’s atmosphere, including cloud cover and natural ocean cycles.

“That’s why, over the last 30 years, one climate prediction after another — based on computer models — has been wrong,” Happer said in the video. “They’re wrong because even the most powerful computers can’t solve all the equations needed to accurately describe climate.”



  1. Too much art, not enough science.

  2. They can't predict the weather in any given location more than 5 or 6 days out and then it's still a crapshoot. The way we measure land and air temperatures today is vastly different than was done just 50 years ago, so they cannot be accurately compared with each other, much less hundreds or thousands of years ago. Besides, before we started burning liquid fuels, there was an Ice Age. Then it got warmer.

  3. We know better (or should) than this doofus.
    He seems to be unaware of the geoengineering efforts which have been on-going for at least 50 years, but are now nearly perfected. The weather is managed, massaged, controlled, manipulated, to become what the military wants it to become.

    Read about:

    Ionosphere heaters
    aluminum particulate matter
    Jet stream manipulation
    The artificial high pressure zone off the west coast of the US
    stratospheric particle dispersions
    Dane Wiggington

    1. You give the military and government way to much credit!! geez

  4. 808
    You are very naive.
    You might be amazed by the secret technologies the military has at its disposal.
    What do you think they do with BILLIONS of Dollars every year?


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