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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Evidence Christopher Steele Misled FBI

Two Republican senators claim to have “substantial evidence” suggesting that former British spy Christopher Steele misled the FBI about “a key aspect” of the infamous dossier.

The senators — Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham — also provided new details about a previously undisclosed memo that Steele wrote based on information provided by a Hillary Clinton associate.

“It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility,” Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote Monday.

The details are in a heavily redacted memo that Grassley and Graham released on Monday. The two Republicans sent the document to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last month along with a letter referring Steele for criminal investigation.



  1. This is just terrible,LOL

  2. More importantly, how was Steels (a Brit ex spy) able to lead anyone in our government when they are not even part of our Government? What PROMISES did our Government make on behalf of Clinton that were not on behalf of our citizens?

    For crying out loud, if Chelsea's wedding costs have already been covered, please stop bugging us. Ask what left of the Obma beggars.

  3. 6:01 according to the Nunes Memo Steele was a "longtime FBI source."

    BTW Those words-longtime FBI source-are what the democrats are trying to cling to when they say the memo reveals "sources and methods."

  4. All this evidence means they should all e behind bars. They were quick to charge Manafort but not John Podesta and his brother for same charges they had committed the same time as they are accusing Manafort. WHat about that Democrats?

  5. They will try and blame steele for "misleading" them. They knew darn right well the dossier was not verified because they knew it was lies when they applied for the warrants. McCabe testified under oath if not for the dossier they wouldn't have obtained the warrants. Democrats are trying to claim this isn't so but you know it is. The dossier along with the stories leaked to the news by steele were the basis for the warrants. The democrats are lying like they always do. They are only fooling their incredibly dumbed down idiots clinging to a downfall of the President. If they had had other evidence they would never have used an unverified document.

  6. White House press briefing mainstream media asked 2 questions about the memo and a big ZERO on the senate memo?? The biggest corruption case of a life time and crickets. Media is so BIASED it's RIDICULOUS

  7. It don't take much to mislead today's FBI, they were investigating the bigest criminal and her crime family, and the boss of the FBI was too stupid to see she did criminal things and should have been arrested! Today's FBI couldn't find their on ass with both hands!

  8. 8:49 I hate to say it but I think you are right.


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