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Monday, February 12, 2018

Violent Somali Rapist Told Teen Victim She Couldn’t Be a Virgin ‘Because She’s White’

A Somali national has been jailed after he held a sharp piece of wood to a teenage girl’s throat as he raped her.

Ahmed Abdoule said the girl could not be a virgin “because she was white”, and told her “my country would love you” following the attack, was given an 11-year sentence at Hull Crown Court the Hull Daily Mail reports.

Reports have not indicated how long Abdoule will actually spend in prison and the court has not responded to a request for information, but if the sentence follows the standard formula he will likely be released after roughly 5 years.

Despite his racial contempt for the victim, the Abdoule’s crime does not appear to have been treated as racially aggravated, which could have meant a tougher sentence.



  1. Find out what prison he is being held at, and make an open offer to any prisoner that kills him you will give money too him and his family.

  2. So he says "because she's White" during the crime, but it's decided that the crime wasn't racist?


  3. This is a "Hate" crime no doubt about it, blast the Prosecutor on social media till he enhances the charges!

  4. Did any of you read past the headline? This was in England. That’s a different country, and continent.

  5. How about Abdoule getting a paid one-way trip back to Somalia once his sentence is completed? He doesn't sound as though he's of benefit to British society.

  6. 727
    This is an Eastern Shore Blog for crying out loud. What is a continent? Stop using big words, show off.

  7. Exterminate this trash


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