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Monday, February 12, 2018

Professor Claims Soros ‘Missionaries’ Bragged About Toppling Governments

Author and sociologist Frank Furedi claims globalist activists working for billionaire financier George Soros bragged about toppling governments at a private lunch.

A former professor of sociology at the University of Kent in Canterbury, Furedi recounted his experience with the globalist’s “missionaries” in an article for the Telegraph newspaper, having been prompted by the revelations about his efforts to bring down the British government and trigger another EU referendum.

“Soros believes that if the people voted the wrong way, he is entitled to thwart decisions made by them,” Furedi wrote.

“Soros does not believe in the legitimacy of borders nor in the authority of national electorates. Consequently, he feels entitled to influence and if possible direct the political destiny of societies all over the world.”



  1. Per the patriot act have seal team six take care of this problem

  2. Too bad we feel differently, George. You will die a failure in this, and your offspring as well.


  3. You betcha😂😁😁😁😁


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