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Friday, February 02, 2018

UH-OH: New Texts From Anti-Trump FBI Agents Show They Tried To Evade Rule To Archive Messages

“Additional text messages suggest that FBI officials used non-official email accounts and messaging programs to communicate about official business.”

New revelations about two anti-Trump and pro-Clinton FBI officials were revealed on Thursday as previously undisclosed text messages between the two show that they were eager to "get around" the bureau's rules for archiving and preserving text messages.

The newly-released texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page appear to show that they were interested in getting around policies that dictated they had to preserve communications. The Washington Examiner reports:

Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, in a letter dated January 31 to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said, “According to text messages produced to the committee, Ms. Page and Mr. Strzok make references to communicating with other FBI employees via text message, phone call, email and voicemail. Additional text messages suggest that FBI officials used non-official email accounts and messaging programs to communicate about official business.”



  1. It sounds more like spies in the department, not just 2 disgruntled employees because Trump won. I still say it falls in line with acts of treason!

  2. Shades of Hillary Clinton!


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