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Friday, February 02, 2018

A 'Well Regulated Militia' the Basis of Private Gun Ownership

When the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791 the phrase, “well regulated militia,” underlined the importance of the words, “shall not be infringed.”

Yet today, due to the breakdown in education wrought by leftist academicians and media talking heads, many Americans presume a “well regulated militia” and “shall not be infringed” are polar opposites; that the former represents a collective right viewpoint while the latter presents the right as an individual one. Such presumptions create a false dichotomy that pits one phrase against another in an amendment where both phrases were meant to be of mutual benefit.

Consider the Second Amendment: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

At the outset we must understand that the individual right to keep and bear arms is not in spite of the mention of a militia but because of it. In other words, because the militia played a key role in the Founders’ minds, and is intended to play a key role even now, the right to possess arms, with which to gather in militia, “shall not be infringed.”



  1. Thanks for this. IMO, it concurs what I stated yesterday in that WE should have any arms the police and military possess and not needing any permit other than the 2nd amendment.

    The firearm laws/bans of 1934, 1968 and others seek to "defang" Americans under the guise of "public safety". One using the gangsters of the 20's and 30's and another using the assassinations of JFK and MLKjr. to get these laws passed and these and others of banning certain individuals from possessing firearms and ammunition.

    Knee-jerk reactions feeding off of the fears and emotions of the public. They labeled it "public safety" to hide what it really is, disarmament.

    As we all know now, none of these laws can prevent any action taken by anyone who is determined. They just make it difficult for the average person to acquire firearms and ammo., which is proven by the constant anti-gun chatter we hear every day and more and more gun laws being passed/discussed/studied/whatever.

    It used to be, and maybe still is, claimed that views like mind were of the "tin-foil hat" wearing conspiracy nuts. But more and more, especially recently with the revelations of FBI and DOJ misconduct/illegalities, those that can see past the pomp and circumstance can see what is really at risk and the end result of what they are really after.

  2. The obvious meaning of the Amendment is that the People always maintain their right to be able to defend themselves against the government (any government). The understanding was simple: all governments eventually become tyrannical. Government must be kept in check by the People. Period.

  3. that long boring comment I sent in isn't here? lol


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