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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Trump Blasts FBI Leadership For "Politicizing The Sacred Investigative Process"

After a week of intense speculation, Speaker Paul Ryan has backed President Trump's wish to release the infamous "FISA Memo" on Friday (despite Nancy Pelosi's demands that its main architect, House Intel Committee Chair Devin Nunes, be moved from his position), the president pushed back against accusations that he's politicized federal law enforcement, claiming that the FBI's leadership is truly to blame.

"The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File are great people!," the president said in the first of two tweets.

In the second, he included a quote from Judicial Watch head Tom Fitton about the Democratic skullduggery that was involved in the creation and funding of the memo, which may have been used improperly by the FBI to secure a FISA warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

"'You had Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party try to hide the fact that they gave money to GPS Fusion to create a Dossier which was used by their allies in the Obama Administration to convince a Court misleadingly, by all accounts, to spy on the Trump Team.' Tom Fitton, JW"


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