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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Dem Rep Acknowledges Party Is Listening to Donor Class, Not Working Class

Democrat Rep. Cheri Bustos (Ill.) agreed on Tuesday that Democrats are listening more to what the "donor class" wants than to the priorities of the American working class.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, in a post-State of the Union special, told Bustos if Democrats want to start winning swing states, they’re going to have to "start talking to regular people and stop listening to their donor class who have their own interests."

"The people that have a lot of money have different interests than the average working person," Matthews said.

"You’re absolutely right," Bustos agreed without hesitation.

Bustos said it’s important to go to functions that aren’t solely Democratic, because otherwise lawmakers would just hear the same thing over and over again from the same people.

More here

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if he wears a suit and cape with a big " O " on it for captain Obvious!
    If it takes Chris Matthews to tell someone that, they have serios issues!


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