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Monday, February 05, 2018

The War To Prevent Southern Independence

This is the best work I have ever read on the War of 1861-present. I punctures the Great American Myth and topples Father Abraham from his throne in his Olympian Temple on the Mall. Wars are not fought over other peoples’ labour systems; they are fought over the control of other peoples’ resources. This is imperialism, and the rulers of imperial nations who wage these wars wage them for power and self-aggrandizement. Lincoln and his crony-capitalists cloaked their crime in robes of morality, and duped posterity with what Voltaire called “the propaganda of the victorious.”

The Confederacy had nothing to gain and everything to lose by inaugurating war against the industrializing colossus, but when Lincoln waged his war of invasion, conquest, and coerced political allegiance, he drove Virginia, “The Mother of States and Statesmen” – among others – out of the Union. When Virginia’s Governor Letcher received Lincoln’s call for troops to subjugate the “Cotton Kingdom” and bring it back under the heel of his “Mercantile Kingdom,” Letcher refused, and indicted Lincoln: “You have chosen to inaugurate civil war, and we will resist it with the same spirit you have exhibited towards the South.” The next day, Virginia seceded, and three years later Mr. Lincoln’s army burned down Governor Letcher’s house. Emancipation? Dr. Pace says that Union, forced by the bayonet, is slavery.

Reprinted from Amazon.com.


  1. I can’t wait to go back and do more in depth reading about this!

  2. The Truth is not taught anymore. Nice to see it once in a while!

  3. All wars are banker’s wars.
    Every one of them.

  4. The continuation of slavery in our Nation, the epitome of immorality, and the failure of the Missouri Compromise led to the Civil War. For anyone to put forth any other reason(s) is sheer ignorance. Several factors led to the start of the War, but in the end, the "festering sore" caused by slavery upon the Nation finally erupted, the Nation split and the War was fought.

  5. One thing people fail to realize is that Maryland is a Southern state and did actually secede because Lincoln, the Tyrant, had every member of the General Assembly that were "Southern sympathizers" thrown in jail so they couldnt't vote to secede. We may not have officially been Confederates, but we certainly are Southern.

  6. I thought that by now most knew the Civil War began over economics. The south was more prosperous at the time and the north needed their monies, by means of taxes, tariffs or whatever. Lincoln wasn't all the concerned with freeing the slaves until he needed more troops and thought that if freed they would join his army. Some did, others didn't. He has been quoted as saying he would free them all if it ended the war and that he wouldn't free any of them if that would end the war.

    That war served to speed up the process but slavery would have ended anyway over time.

  7. Anonymous: Feb. 5th @ 8:21PM:
    Your remarks are supported by Pres. Lincoln in his remarks made in his Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865 where he stated, "One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the. Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war."

    Pres. Lincoln was on record not supporting the expansion of slavery in our Nation, and I personally believe that he was not going to allow the Union to be split or desolved over immoral behavior perpetuated by keeping people in bondage. As they say, the rest is history.

  8. Tariffs imposed on the South's cotton and tobacco
    were the main cause of the Civil War. Slavery as an issue came mid stream in the war. It was Lincoln's intention to return all slaves (forcibly) to Africa but that issue ended at Ford's Theater.


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