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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Tell Us More, Nancy


  1. Go back to Cali Nancy, so you can watch all the pretty sunsets you want.

  2. Her days as a fortune teller are over.

  3. Her 15 minutes of attention is way way over. She is over the top on loose lips can't keep the old mouth shut, doesn't realize that Dems & Republicans are both made up of Americans. She needs to respect the other party a little or get out of office fast like ASAP.

  4. Now that we've seen the memo and the source of the dossier, it's no wonder she thought it was an ironclad guarantee.
    She discounted the most important variable: the heartland of America showing up to vote against lying Hillary. We read right through all their lies and knew Comey was messing with us.

  5. I hope she remains House Minority Leader and she continues identity politics. Because the more she talks, the less people want to identify with her party.


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