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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Amazon Urged To Pick LGBT-Friendly Locale For HQ2

(CNN Money) — Gay rights advocates are calling on Amazon to choose an LGBT-friendly city for its second headquarters.

As a part of a demonstration on Thursday, a plane with a banner touting the campaign’s name — “No Gay? No Way!” — is flying near the company’s Seattle headquarters. It’s timed to the tech giant’s fourth quarter earnings release.

The group is urging Amazon to build its second headquarters in a state that protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination,

Last month, Amazon released a list of the 20 metro areas in the running for HQ2, following a request for cities to submit proposals. Nine of those finalists — Atlanta, Austin, Columbus, Dallas, Indianapolis, Miami, Nashville, Raleigh and Northern Virginia — are in states that fail to protect LGBT people from employment, housing and public accommodations discrimination, according to the campaign.

The campaign is also running digital ads in Seattle and those nine states, and deploying a traveling mobile billboard around Seattle. The ad says: “Hey, Alexa? Why would Amazon even consider putting HQ2 in a state that discriminates against LGBT people?”



  1. They should pick what's best for THEIR business...not some special interest group!

  2. Hahaha, that just officially disqualified the inner part of the Delmarva!

    It will go in the outskirts of Northern Virginia - over by Dulles Airport. The roads are there, the international airport is there, rich live in that area and they are gay friendly. All i's dotted and tee's crossed.


  3. Isn't that discrimination ?

    1. Yeah.
      Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

  4. 9:24 You forgot that the people are educated too which also disqualifies the eastern shore.

  5. Since when did a very small percentage of a population determine what the vast majority of a population can do?

  6. There are more college grads on Delmarva than anywhere else in MD Delaware or Va

    1. Delmarva peninsula is the whole of Delaware, small part of Maryland and even smaller portion of Virginia.
      You must be one of those college graduates.

  7. Alexa: Why would Amazon allow itself to be dictated to by terrorists?


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