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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Student Accused of Sexual Assault Wins Big in Court

A U.S. magistrate judge has recommended that a student accused of sexual assault at James Madison University be awarded nearly $850,000 after he successfully sued the institution.

The student, called John Doe in court filings, sued the university in 2015 after he was found responsible for sexual assault.

A university panel initially considered him not responsible, but his accuser, called Jane Doe in court documents, appealed that decision -- John Doe was then suspended until the spring 2020 semester and barred from campus.

John Doe filed a lawsuit, alleging his 14th Amendment due process rights had been violated. A federal district court judge ruled in his favor last year, ordering that James Madison reinstate him.

The magistrate judge has recommended the court give John Doe a total of $849,231 -- roughly $795,691 in attorney’s fees and about $53,539 in litigation costs -- a surprisingly large payment.

The court’s ruling follows a trend of an increasing number of male students accused of sexual assault who have pursued court action against colleges and won.



  1. and the lawyers win again

  2. So the guy got no money is what you are saying???? He sued and got no money???

    From how I read this post, it say, 849,231 was possibly awarded to him or recommended to be awarded to him... Then it says of that 849,231, 795,691 was for fees and 53,539 is for court cost or litigation fees... which totals the awarded amount... And actually, this article is a dollar short... 795,691 + 53,539 = 849,230 not 849,231 not that it matters but people can't count...

  3. It's not enough, as everything is swallowed by the court case. He should get at least a free ride from the university, and damages on top of that.

  4. So basically everyone lost except the lawyers

  5. the problem is $795,691 is attorney's fees.

  6. You attorneys out there should know that when you do things like this you are setting yourself up for a bad trial in front of St. Peter.

    Grow some ethics, you scumbag thief attorneys!

    1. Uhhmm yeahhhhhh...St. Peter.
      Let’s take our chances shall we...just Incase elves, fairies and fake deity’s don’t actually exist.

  7. How is this about lawyers and not about this white male being vindicated. You people need to pull your head out of your collective ass. It like you didnt even read the story. Forget the lawyers.


    Wake the f up people.


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