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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

New Names Emerge In Dossier Investigation

The Republican-led investigation into the infamous anti-Trump dossier has recently revealed several intriguing links between Christopher Steele, lawyers, lobbyists, Democratic politicians, a former State Department official, and a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin.

Most of the revelations come thanks to Sen. Chuck Grassley. The Iowa Republican released a letter in January that cited the names of several political operatives and lawyers who had not previously been linked to the dossier Steele wrote while on the payroll of the Clinton campaign and DNC.

And Thursday, a batch of text messages leaked to Fox News revealed that Steele used a back channel to communicate with Democratic Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.



  1. Rotten all they way to the core. FBI and DOJ that signed their names on the warrant will be indicted. Mainstream media won't cover it, pay for lawyers, pay for doctors or go to jail for them. They are now on their own. Clinton is probably still laughing

  2. Bring it on...the more the merrier

  3. Shumer,Pelosi,Cummings,Shiff,Comey,Lynch to name a Few !!
    & OH , Hillary & Obama !!


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