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Friday, February 16, 2018

Senate Amnesty Bills Get Rushed to a Thursday Vote

The Senate’s supposedly open and lengthy debate on immigration and amnesty will likely come to a quick end on Thursday, leaving both Democratic and GOP groups scrambling to find 60 votes before a Senate recess starts on Friday.

The short period means the outcome will be deeply shaped by Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell’s power over the debate rules and by President Donald Trump’s willingness to Tweet a promised veto of any bill he does not meet his popular goals.

“This is going to be done or not done this week,” Sen. John Cornyn, the second-ranking Republicans in the Senate, said Monday. “People had better get to work because the clock is ticking.”

The Senate goes into recess on Friday for a week, allowing home-state voters to meet their Senators and make clear their support for an amnesty, a compromise or opposition to an amnesty. Those voters have plenty of opportunities to make their views clear via many civic groups and websites, such as NumbersUSA, Stop DACA.org or United We Dream or Mark Zuckerberg’s FWD.us.


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