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Friday, February 16, 2018

Demon voices to school gunman attack cops called 39 times

According to authorities, the gunman who killed 17 people inside a school in Florida told police he heard voices in his head that gave him instructions for the attack.

The voices were described as 'demons' by law enforcement sources, reports ABC News.

Meanwhile, police were called to Nikolas Cruz family's Parkland home 39 times since 2010, according to police records obtained by CNN.

The sheriff's office received a range of emergency calls that included: 'mentally ill person,' 'child/elderly abuse,' 'domestic disturbance,' 'missing person,' and several others.

Cruz moved in with a friend's family sometime after his adoptive mother passed.

The gunman's adoptive mother, Lynda Cruz, died November 1, 2017.



  1. so another dropped ball?

  2. Wow all those crumbs to follow and authorities and schools failed again. Then the dems want to go and blame the gun as always. Talk about rewind and play over and over again!

  3. 40-50 years ago you could have someone like that locked up in a mental institution. There was a nice one in Cambridge.

    1. Now,those same people are called DEMONCRATS!

  4. I say cut off his head so they can study his brain

  5. 10:26 - right on! The liberals want to take everyone'sguns, but not remove the real threat from society. They are too foolish to see that their solution will not solve the problem. Just as I am not too foolish to understand - we can lock these individuals up and take everyone's guns and we are still going to have mass killings. And you liberals - please do not back at me well if it saves one life .... because... um.... well.... ABORTION!!

    I hate to say it, but we just cannot stop it all. We can minimize! But we do need better school security. Just look at Salisbury District Court Security.

  6. I'm sure he was on some kind of prescribed drugs for his issues...Many who have been on these drugs say they hear voices...this is not a joke.

  7. I'm only 37, we were taught to use guns, by the public school system, on school grounds, on school time. No one got shot then. Go figure.

    1. Im 54 and was taught to shoot a gun in high school on school grounds as well, and no one was shot then either.


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