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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

School Shooting Survivor Turned Activist David Hogg Appears To Have Been Coached On Anti-Trump Lines

In less than a week since they survived a mass murdering gunman attack on their school, two student who quickly became media stars of the Parkland, Florida school shootings are now media obsessed to the point they say they are snubbing an invitation to meet with President Donald Trump this Wednesday in favor of appearing on a televised town hall with CNN’s Jake Tapper. […]

“I think it’s disgusting, personally. My father’s a retired FBI agent and the FBI are some of the hardest working individuals I have ever seen in my life,” proclaimed David Hogg to CNN.

“It’s wrong that the president is blaming them for this.”

Continuing, Hogg demonstrated his complete lack of American civics knowledge. A clueless Hogg appeared unaware of the fact that the President is not ‘in control’ of each department and branch of government, but must work and negotiate with them. Regardless, Hogg pushed the notion that Trump is in charge of the FBI.

“He can’t put that off on them. He is in charge of them and these people, what they love to do is push this off on bureaucracy and say it’s not them,” he said. “He is in charge of the FBI … the executive branch is supposed to enforce laws and as such, President Trump is in charge of that and the FBI.”

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  1. search google, you will also find him being interviewed in California at that shooting, better yet, follow Q on twitter.

  2. Check his bank accounts.

  3. How did the 16 and 17 year olds manage to get enough money together to get all those students to Florida's capital. Mommy and daddy's money and politics.

  4. Of course he was coached by his intelligence handlers

    1121 has it right . . . follow the money

  5. trump hasn't been in charge of fbi since he became president...or don't you read the news?


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