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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Black voter registration effort launched at ‘Black Panther’ screenings

An activist group has launched a voter registration effort aimed at black voters at screenings of the “Black Panther” movie nationwide.

Members of the Electoral Justice Project, an offshoot of the Movement for Black Lives, are seeking to motivate black voters and increase political engagement with the #WakandaTheVote campaign, the website Blavity reported.

Wakanda is the fictional African nation featured in the long-anticipated Marvel film “Black Panther.”

Kayla Reed, Jessica Byrd and Rukia Lumumba founded the Electoral Justice Project last year, and told Blavity that the movement has been effective “because we meet our communities where they are, whether that's in the streets, at the city council meeting, or in the movie theater.”

More here


  1. Is a black panther anything like a cougar or souped up bob cat?

  2. As a white person I wouldn't go see the black panther movie for several reasons but mostly because I wouldn't feel safe,I think there will be riots and a lot of theaters will destroyed. After all that is what the black panthers do is stir up trouble.

  3. No White Panthers ????

  4. Racist Movie using the Black Panther name ( Racist militant
    group from the 60's )

    To dig , at White people who remember ,
    Few Whites in the movie

    They then, try to say it was named after a Comic book !!

  5. That's wonderful, as long as they register them in the correct voting district!

  6. This must be the stupidest propaganda I have seen in my life time. Litterly a man in underwear in front of a green screen pretending to be a superhero lol. Directed by two Jews lol. This is supposed to be the New Democrat platform? Why?


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