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Thursday, February 01, 2018

SC: Support For Firing Squads Is Growing

South Carolina is one of thirty-two states which (like the federal government) allows for capital punishment in response to certain offenses – however it no longer carry out death sentences.

In fact it hasn’t for years …

There’s a death row in the Palmetto State – it was recently relocated as a matter of fact – but executions have been effectively discontinued. None have taken place since 2011, and several condemned inmates who were scheduled to meet their maker in recent years have seen their sentences commuted to life in prison.

What gives?

Like many other state prison systems, the S.C. Department of Corrections (SCDC) has been unable to purchase one of the drugs needed to perform lethal injections. No American companies manufacture the substance, and the European companies that produce it refuse to sell it in America. Why? Because they oppose capital punishment.

One prominent Palmetto State prosecutor has had enough of the impasse …



  1. They should be televised !

  2. Come on america, we are not china!!! Stop acting like some 3rd world dictatorship

  3. Bullets work just fine. Drugs drag it out, they did that to my dog. 9 bullets work instantly when accurately placed. 10 shooters, one has a blank.

    1. The blank thing is a farce. You can easily tell if you fired a round. The feel is very different.


  4. sign me up, would love to be on the Squad

  5. SC continuing their loud and proud bass ackwards ways. Good grief!

  6. Bullets are cheap & they always work & are a GOOD Deterent !

  7. The ones on Death Row Deserve a Little Pain and the
    Letting them fall asleep by injection , they Don't deserve !

    Firing squad = much better !!! Electric chair even Better

    This country is TOOOOO SOFT of criminals like these !!

  8. 1054
    Every knew shall bow, and every tongue will confess the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And you sir, will be embarrassed for that comment.


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