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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

President Trump Delivers Remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference


  1. Somebody plz tell him the flaunting and puffing himself up constantly is getting annoying. ..and Constitutional Rights are not bargaining chips nor for compromise...right Hogan?

  2. I love listening to our President! Great sense of humor and also a great leader! MAGA for 7 more years!

  3. Sure , lets begin to bash Hogan so we can get a good Democrat in that office. You guys just do not know when to quit. On second thought please continue. We need a good gun control Govenor

  4. 8:37 am - you are just a sad, annoying little turd, aren't you. You would much rather see OUR President fail then America have success, wouldn't ya? That is very sad. Good luck the next 7 years - we all had to do it for 8 years so get used to winning for a change and suck it up! MAGA!

    1. He’s not OUR president. He’s your draft dodging president.

    2. Yeah ok, you havent learned anything yet, BUT you will! #MAGA!


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