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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Training TODAY


  1. We all know who will be standing outside of a school waiting, it will be Mike Lewis, he will be waiting for the Media to take photos of him!

  2. One question, "How many of our teachers are armed during class time?"

    If the answer is zero, there's really not much more to discuss at this forum.

  3. They say to run and hide, then wait for them to show up to wait for the shooting to stop. Class over.

    What?, you say. Nothing about defending yourself? Welcome to Maryland.

  4. Delaware thinking about letting children pick there own genda without Parents consent ?

    Is Obama still in office ?

  5. Here you go keyboard warriors. It's your time to shine

  6. 738, 746 are you going for the training and see what it's all about?

  7. Civilian response to Sheriff "Do your job and stop blaming the guns". oh and take the gun free zone signs down. Thank You

  8. Im alittle distraught that this has not been announced until a few hours before. Well prepared we are not. Hopefully this will open the door to less restricted ccw for average law abiding citizens.

  9. 7:38
    That is not fair. He can't hep he can't see into the windows.

  10. My neighbor's Shih Tzu has more balls then those 4 BSO deputies. For whatever reason I feel our SRO's can be trusted to do the right thing if God forbid we are ever faced with a school shooting situation.

  11. I think educating our community is a good thing. They need to understand what is happening, what could happen and what's law enforcement role would be. I also believe in protecting our gun rights. But also believe some regulations should change. I also do NOT believe in arming teachers in our schools. I am very familiar with our school systems on the Eastern Shore. In most cases the best thing to do, is let our educators stick to educating students. Arming the teacher scenario; what happens when one of the many bad kids in our not so great school systems, steal, disarm etc...one of our teachers? You can argue it won't happen, but you would be kidding yourself. Also keep in mind, not all teachers are decent people. We have seen drug dealing teachers in school get arrest, the sexual predators and other. We also have a lot of really really bad kids in the schools, especially Wicomico County. Virtually no discipline policy that makes any sense and consistently the SRO's (Deputies) in the schools hands are tied in a lot of instances (meaning the Wicomico Board of Ed) really don't want SRO's to take action. When the SRO's do take action, it is justified and an arrest is usually made. But that is really on a limited basis. I don't have all the answers but merely bringing up some issues. There is not a full proof plan to stop an active shooter. But here is my opinion on that. Parents need to be accountable for their kids. Meaning parents need to raise their kids and teach them morals and value of life. Don't leave that up to our schools. Some of the gun laws need to change, (backgrounds, age and mental health issues). Report strange or suspicious behavior. And then law enforcement needs to handle those reports. And keep in mind a gun does not shoot itself.

  12. I took this training class 2 years ago and have strongly recommended that family and friends attend also! Intense eye opener and the presenters do not sugarcoat anything. I was extremely grateful that these officers care enough to try to help the rest of us help ourselves! It was a very valuable night and I wish they would do this training class more often. So many people with their heads in the sand. I encourage you to drop everything and attend.

  13. Thank you, 10:51 and 11:02; I mean Mike Lewis...

  14. 10:51 AM......I'm sure im not the only one thats sick of individuals like you, pretending to be intelligent and informed. The regs and laws on guns that you speak of have been in effect for many years but those you want to delegate everyone's protection to fail to get it right...alot...thats the nature of government. The facts are out everywhere yet YOU fail to listen read or understand. One's individual safety and protection is why the 2A exists. As for not allowing qualified teachers {nobodies going to hand guns and ccw's like its candy...idiot!}to exercise their 2A rights in these horrific times...is exactly whats wrong...idiot liberal progressives like you cant see straight, you dont have the IQ to understand whats involved in ccw permits yet you spew your drivel like its fact but you rebuke the true FACTS. Gun crime in open carry states is nearly non existent, but areas like md Baltimore, Chicago, philly....crime is rampant...gun free zones are hot beds for violence and crime, because they are controlled by liberal idiots just like iv been ranting about. The thug kids you speak of, the ones that shouldnt be there to start with, they will either be encouraged to behave or...assault the right teacher and be shot, no quicker why to bring some sanity back to the schools!

  15. Carry a gun.

    Learn about your rights as citizen.

    Don't believe you need anyone's permission, either. What other rights have they told you that you need a class for, or need a fingerprint for, or need a stranger's permission in order to use?
    I don't see any section or lines in the Constitution that require citizens to seek the government's permission in order to exercise our GOD GIVEN rights. NOT rights granted by pompous men through the generosity of their spirit and their concern for the common man.
    Keep cheering.
    Or continue to think and believe people like the cops in Florida will show up and protect you or save your kid.
    Carry your own gun. THEY won't be there in time.

  16. Why don't we talk about preachers being armed?

  17. No need to have fear, not going to happen here!
    This is what Chief Dumb-can and Media Whore Lewis say, we are a safe place.
    The boy toy Mayor even believes it.

  18. the training may be good but still much BS going on. Little David Owens who should have been fired for his past actions just gets transferred by his friend Sheriff Lewis to the gravy schools job instead of shift work as a SGT.
    Bd of Ed wont let everyone train to have a real test of everyone meaning 911, EMT, sheriff, state police, school, etc. and really see how everyone can work together to really see if everyone is prepared. Lewis would rather ride around in his new tinted out windows SUV and travel to Iowa or somewhere for some presentation on our taxpayers dime. he gets his 85,000 a year if he works 365 days or one day.

  19. Mike Lewis will have to go to the shop and get his armored vehicle before he will go to a reported school shooting.


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