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Thursday, February 01, 2018

New York Times: Immigrants Are Superior to Americans and Their Kids

New York Times columnist David Brooks tells his friends that the costs imposed by cheap-labor immigration don’t exist because, really, Americans are just inferior to immigrants in every way.

He writes:

Over all, America is suffering from a loss of dynamism. New business formation is down. Interstate mobility is down. Americans switch jobs less frequently and more Americans go through the day without ever leaving the house.

But these trends are largely within the native population. Immigrants provide the antidote. They start new businesses at twice the rate of nonimmigrants. Roughly 70 percent of immigrants express confidence in the American dream, compared with only 50 percent of the native-born. …

Republicans’ problem is that since George W. Bush left town they’ve become the East Germans of the 21st century. They have embraced a cultural model that produces low growth and low dynamism. No wonder they want to erect a wall.



  1. I have been told immigrants don't have to pay taxes on new business ventures for 3 years if so that would explain the business aspect of the argument.

  2. Sorry, but he's probably right. Our ancestors came here and worked their behinds off to succeed. Our children mostly want to do the least possible to get by.

    1. And whose responsibility is that, super parent?

  3. I want some of what he is smoking lol
    Get back to reality please

  4. We cannot get American kids to work. We CAN get immigrant kids to work.
    You figure it out. THEY PAY TAXES

  5. 1:23 is correct. Then they reopen the business under a relative's name and are free for another 3 years, etc.

  6. Chinese place on business 50 has been doing this for years. next to explosive.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Sorry, but he's probably right. Our ancestors came here and worked their behinds off to succeed. Our children mostly want to do the least possible to get by.
    February 1, 2018 at 1:27 PM

    I disagree. ALL children and some adults fit your description. Unless people have some goal in mind I think they do will do what is required and nothing more. There are exceptions to every rule. Immigrants have incentives to do more and go above and beyond. When have you heard of any U.S. citizen getting deported for being lazy?

  8. Give me a 7 year tax break on a business so I could incorporate it into my cousins name afterwards I'd start all kinds of growth. This is a joke. You give immigrants a tax moratorium but if you were born and raised here you pay from day 1? No wonder the rate is so high. Idiots.

  9. Anonymous said...
    1:23 is correct. Then they reopen the business under a relative's name and are free for another 3 years, etc.
    February 1, 2018, at 3:01 PM

    I don't know if that is correct or not correct. I have heard these stories too but have no experience with them.

    It could be only rumors that we hear, with some truth mixed in. Does anyone on here have any experience or first-hand knowledge of this and/or some rule of law which can be pointed to and researched?


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