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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hillary Clinton Advisor: New World Order Will Survive Trump

Assures globalists Trump won’t stop their full-spectrum dominance plan in CFR mag

The globalist New World Order model will survive President Trump, according to Hillary Clinton advisor Jake Sullivan.

“There is no doubt that Trump represents a meaningful threat to the health of both American democracy and the international system,” Sullivan wrote in next month’s issue of Foreign Affairs, a Council on Foreign Relations-backed publication.

“Yet despite these risks, rumors of the international order’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. The system is built to last through significant shifts in global politics and economics and strong enough to survive a term of President Trump.”



  1. Probably right. Satan has a deathgrip on these demons of his. Read "dark majesty" to see how deep this conspiracy runs very very very deep in all facets of this world. However if they continue to ignore the truth and Gods word. We will have salvation, they however wont have air conditioning where there going. Its that simple people..it is all about setting up the NWO for the coming of the antichrist.

  2. There's no doubt a NWO armband, of authoritarian design and in striking colors.

  3. Cut all Foreign Aide and then see what happens. The NWO and the UN has no business involved in US democracy. Obama, the Anti-Christ, and the Democrats started / established the NWO according to scripture. The NWO would be in effect before the end of the world as we know it.

  4. Can't leave out Obama's buddies / partners in the NWO, Clintons and George Soros.

  5. First, this is not a democracy. It is a representative republic. Big difference. You actually get to find that out when you speak up and get arrested. There will be no democracy under the next progressive, communist, socialist, fascist, NWO. Obama routinely ignored the congress to implement laws. The next president after Trump will be a dictator.

  6. 424
    The United States for America was founded as a Constitutional Republic.

    We live in a facist / Communist society now.

  7. Hillary's advisor needs some tin foil.


    Come on folks.
    We all know there are no conspiracies in the world.
    It is an English language word without a definition.


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