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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Expert: Sweden Has Become a ‘Base’ for International Radical Islamic Extremist Networks

Swedish researcher Peder Hyllengren of the Swedish Defence College has claimed that Sweden has become a hub of international Islamic extremism and that hundreds of Swedish residents have built up a vast network of jihadi contacts.

Hyllengren claimed that jihadi networks have been allowed to operate in Sweden for at least a decade and that Swedish lawmakers have been lagging on proper legislation to deal with the problem, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

According to the researcher, Swedish residents have been in contact with Islamic terrorists like Mohamed Belkaid who was shot during a raid in Brussels by police who were searching for terrorist Salah Abdeslam who had participated in the 2015 Paris Bataclan massacre.

Hyllengren blamed the political correctness of the Swedish establishment for the inaction in fighting Islamic radicalism along with “the activism that existed against both the security services and those who tried to lift the seriousness of these issues. This meant that the threshold became higher for both politicians and others to enter this area.”


1 comment:

  1. It's mostly something that they could have avoided early on with a better handle on immigration.


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