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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

FBI & Florida School Shooting -- Fire the FBI Head

Did a preventable massacre go unprevented because of bureaucratic failure?

American government is supposed to look and sound like George Washington. What it actually looks and sounds like is Henry Hill from Goodfellas: bad suit, hand out, intoning the eternal mantra: “F*** you, pay me.”

American government mostly works by interposition, standing between us, the free people at whose sufferance it exists, and the things we want to do. Want to drive a car? “F*** you, pay me.” Own a home? “F*** you, pay me.” Want to build an extension on that home? “F*** you, pay me.” Got a job? “F*** you, pay me.” Business good? “F*** you, pay me.” Business bad? “F*** you, pay me.”


1 comment:

  1. Do like they do in N. Korea when this fumbling happens, your fired is right, fired at with a firing squad!

    Bet we would have a better FBI after this.


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