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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

DeVos Donates Her Entire Salary To Special Needs Charities

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos plans to donate her $199,700 salary to charities dedicated to education and special needs students.

DeVos’ will split her paycheck among Dreams Soar, which encourages girls to enter STEM, Kids Hope USA, which aids at-risk youth, Special Olympics, which assists the disabled, and Vision to Learn, which gives poor children glasses,reported Fox News.

President Donald Trump’s 2019 budget plan would strip Special Olympics of $12.5 million, according to Politico. Athletes and program officials from the group lobbied Tuesday for funding on Capitol Hill.

The donation is not the Education Secretary’s only unique habit where her wallet is concerned. As of late 2017, DeVos had only filed for $184 in travel reimbursement.



  1. Thank you. Not one single democrat has done this in 50 years. Amazing person

  2. But the media will find away to turn this in to something straight from the devil's workshop!!

  3. She apparently doesn't need the money.That's what I call a real public servant.President Trump does the same thing he only takes one dollar a year.Both of those people could just retire and say to hell with it all I don't need the grief but they don't. By the way neither does Joe Albero.

  4. We can use more like her.


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