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Friday, February 16, 2018

'Dubya' on Immigrant Cotton Pickers

Former President George W. Bush, a man whose tenure as president included some things to be admired, stepped into the immigration debate this week in support of the Democrats’ DACA duplicity and deceit.

Speaking in Abu Dhabi, of all places — the capital of the Kingdom of the United Arab Emirates isn’t exactly famous for its advocacy of human rights — Bush offered this tired and out-of-touch rationale for giving illegal aliens citizenship: “Americans don’t want to pick cotton at 105 degrees, but there are people who want to put food on their family’s tables and are willing to do that. We ought to say thank you and welcome them.”

Seriously, he said that. There may be a grain of truth in that remark, but he should have said “broccoli” instead of “cotton,” because cotton harvesting has been mechanized for more than 80 years.

Tucker Carlson’s assessment of Bush’s remarks hits center mass: “This is the magical world of our elites — people who have never had to worry about how illegal immigrants might affect their kids’ schools, or the crime rates in their gated neighborhoods, or the social cohesion of their communities, because they’re insulated from all of that.

Instead, they repeat ‘diversity is our strength’ three times, like a spell, and assume the best will happen. The rest of us, as the former president noted, can say ‘thank you.’”



  1. Always liked Bush until Trump was elected. Now, Bush sounds like a Democrat on every issue. Don't like him at all anymore!

  2. If broccoli were actually picked in 105 degree temperatures, and there were no illegal immigrants to pick it, someone would have invented a broccoli picking machine long ago!


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