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Friday, February 16, 2018

A Viewer Goes Off On WBOC In Support Of President Trump

President Trump - Counterpunches Maryland in retribution to being sued by Maryland's AG Frosh


Hi Amy - I read your article - but hey - can you really blame President Trump. Look at what Maryland has done to him? First off - the Maryland legislature's Democratic lead ship - front loaded legal funds from the 2017 General Assembly session. That's right - Maryland taxpayer's monies. Then - it authorized the Maryland Attorney General - Frosh - to proceed with litigation (overruling and preempting the Governor's prior authorization). http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/politics/bs-md-hogan-consumer-protection-trump-lawsuits-20180122-story.html

But it gets better - what does the Maryland's AG do - he files not one suit, not two suits, not three suits, but a whole cadre of lawsuits even personally attacking his family. Just how many times do you think our State should be allowed to physically and mentally 'backslap' our President before he should decide to initiate a defensive 'Counterpunch'. IMHO - don't you feel that Maryland deserves to get what it's got coming to it - (Eye for eye - law of retaliation).

Owe - I could go on and on - like how Hillary Clinton robbed Maryland's electoral college delegate count by being awarded all 10 Delegates - whereby in any other State - Trump would have received and garnered at least 7 - Maryland's 10 Electoral votes.

So in my estimation, Trump is definitely starting to Counterpunch Maryland - and with a strong - strong 'LEFT JAB TO THE JAW' of Senate Majority leader Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael Bush, and AG Frosh.



  1. Excellent!
    We need more people like you to speak out!!

  2. Very well stated and so true. Maybe there is hope if Wolfe gets the opportunity to unseat Frosh.

  3. Looks like they removed the comment. I went to the link and it was gone. They are a Trump hating station working for a Trump hating network. I'm sure if the comments go against their beliefs, they will remove the comments.

  4. Was the comment ever on the WBOC site?

  5. Make America (but not Maryland) Great Again!

  6. try to tell Magic Dan that global warming isnt real and he will block you pretty quick

  7. Maryland needs a slap or two to bring it to its senses.

  8. 3:43 - I wholehearted agree. Maryland officials definitely have it coming to them, whatever Trump decides to do. And I agree, we need more people like this to speak up. Thank-you SBYnews for covering this event.

  9. I tried to post a comment earlier but the site wouldn't let me. All I have to say is that Maryland's political leadership is out of touch with reality. And that is so obvious. What startles me though is that the MSM isn't covering the atrocity that Frosh is bilking Maryland taxpayers! It's called racketeering and ought not be allowed. I am really mad because Trump really did win Maryland. And yet the Maryland dems are obstructing him. I hope he cuts off all federal funds to Maryland, and yet the dems still won't get the message.

  10. I thought I saw the comment on WBOC and someone took it off. I wonder what gives?

  11. It's all true. Everything the poster said is true.

  12. Maryland officials had better hope that Pres. Trump doesn't activate the military - like Lincoln - did and start rounding them up. I would if I were Trump.


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