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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Diary of male prostitute claims Dem donor pushed drugs

The diary entries of a male prostitute, who suffered a fatal overdose at the home of a prominent Democrat donor last year, allege that the friend of Hillary Clinton was the one who got him hooked on drugs.

Gemmel Moore, 26, was found dead at the West Hollywood home of Ed Buck on July 27.

Authorities initially ruled his death an accidental drug overdose of methamphetamine.

But the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office have since launched a homicide investigation after Moore's family published pages from his journal which suggested Buck pushed the drugs on him.
Since the investigation was launched, a number of other men of color have come forward to claim political power player Buck, who is single and came out as gay at 16, paid them to take drugs.



  1. This in nothing new. What do people really think goes on in DC ? The prostitutes and drug dealers are not catering to locals. It's our elected officials away from their homes that are swimming in the SWAMP milking their perverse delusional power trips. Pandering to their contingents only to bring money home that lines the pockets of their campaign supporters. We bitch about LOCAL good ole boys......but it's the entire system.

  2. This happened in West Hollywood, not Washington, DC. But it's the same type of well-connected political types involved in the same type of nefarious power trips. You have the right church but the wrong pew, as they say.

  3. The Swamp is Deep and Wide...so many are caught up in the muck and many have already died...Much work still to be done. Pray God exposes more of this evil and all it's players.

  4. Also went down right here in your own backyard for years. There was a dirty old perv that had a place on Cambridge that solicited and supplied ample party favors for young ladies. It's everywhere with these freaks you called representative and senator.


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