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Saturday, February 24, 2018

7 Reasons to Shut Down Public Schools Immediately and Permanently

Students plan to walk out of schools to protest gun violence. They say they won’t return until lawmakers do something to address school shootings.

The students should walk out and never return. Being sitting ducks for gun violence is one reason, but it is far from the only one.
1. Students Are Left Defenseless

It’s not just crazy gunmen students are left defenseless against. Some schools put cops in the school, which sounds like a good idea. But if they aren’t stopping school shootings, they are generally handcuffing non-resistant elementary school students. Other “resource officers” assault the students, or taze them while the Principal holds them down.

The administrations can’t address the real issues because they are too busy interrogating five-year-olds until they pee their pants. Every day in the news you see another report of a teacher doing something crazy, assaulting, or sexually abusing students.

And then there is the bullying, harassment, and violence from other students.

The suicide rate for teenage girls is at an all-time high. Student suicides cluster around the beginning of the school year in the fall and final exams in the spring.

2. Taught Obedience, Not Skills


  1. I've said this over and over. It's time to rethink the big mega school complexes and go to local neighborhood schools where the kids live close enough that they can walk to school.

  2. Maybe time for home schooling

  3. Replies
    1. How can you expect kids to be home schooled when the birth givers can’t even home parent?

  4. It's been that way forever, we are just hearing about it more often now. I had my own bad experiences in school. Finally, after having enough of the abuse I just quit school and got my GED. Students have historically been known to be mean and abusive but when teachers and admin add to the mix it becomes too much. No surprise some kids commit suicide from it. And of course, the teachers were usually viewed as being right, especially back then. Now we are finding out otherwise, too late for people like me but at least other kids nowadays have a chance to fight back against them.

  5. Tell the truth, it’s time to test incoming teachers for liberal disease. It’s worse than drug abuse. They then become indoctrinators not teachers.

  6. Take back the power DEMAND SCHOOL VOUCHERS GETS ON THE BALLOT!!! I wanna be able to shop for my kids education and Send my vouchers to the best. Big brother does not want this. They decide who gets the money not you..


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