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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Broward Sheriff Denies Mishandling Shooting

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel declined to answer when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked him if four deputies were ordered to stand down during the Parkland school shooting.



  1. Special frequencies are often used by police agencies in extreme circumstances,but the scanner community keeps up with it.Expect the nosy busy bodies and shut ins to soon come to life & give their 2 cents worth.And don't forget about the Ham radio operators.They too could possibly have caught something,and they record a LOT.If a stand down order or proceed at your discretion was given by radio OR cell phone someone heard it, guaranteed.

  2. Unfortunatley, there are 17 families who know that the sheriffs department mishandeled the situation. May God Bless you in your time of mourning.

  3. He's a democrat. It was somebody else's fault.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 28, 2018 at 12:30 PM

      I agree 100%. Next, somehow they will blame Trump.

  4. 6:28 I hope you are right. Rumor has it some of the radio communication is missing. The problem is the communications before the media broke the news is what is important. If anyone recorded it would have been before the shooting story broke. Like the first minutes of when he actually started shooting.

  5. Those committing treasonous acts in coercion with the domestic enemies of this country are to busy marching with their mission than to cover their tracks. They are more than willing to sacrifice your children to accomplish their mission...to destroy the 2A so they can destroy the rest of it. Make no mistake, this is a war and their troops are deep within every level of our government.

  6. He doesn't understand the rules are for him to. This guy reminds me of Bobby Jones, George Nelson and Ronnie Howard from Somerset. The policy's of a department are for EVERYONE.

  7. Are all these sheriffs using the same playbook? The Vegas sheriff denied any wrongdoing or culpability in their much delayed entry into the room where the shooter was holed up. The shooter had been dead for an hour before they went in. Wanted to make sure, absolutely sure, that there was no threat to the cops before they went in. Just like the cowards in Broward County. The cops all want to be alive when they get off work, and they will watch the rest of us die to do it.

  8. And the lying begins.


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