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Saturday, January 27, 2018

West OC dispensary opens

Without the crowds or fanfare seen in other states, Positive Energy, the county’s first medical marijuana dispensary, opened its doors to the public on Thursday.

“It’s incredible. It’s been just a little over three years in the making and to have the patients come in and being able to interact with them is huge,” Lyndsey Odachowski, general manager, said. “I had my grandparents come in, and seeing it come full circle for them is really huge.”

Odachowski said both her grandmother and grandfather have seen benefits from medical marijuana use.

The dispensary is on Route 50, at the intersection with Jerry Mack Road, in a complex owned by the Odachowski family. The full address is 9939 Jerry Mack Road.

Maryland law allows two dispensaries per state senate district and Odachowski’s Positive Energy is the first to open.

Robert Davis, owner and clinical director of Hi-Tide dispensary, also in West Ocean City at 12600 Marjan Lane, said he expects to open in February.

Hi-Tide is still waiting on final approval from the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission to open.

“For the community, we can now offer an option for them to get natural medicine in their own backyard, and they don’t have to go far, she said.



  1. This is the same Odachowski family that owns Royal Plus and Senator Mathias.

  2. How big of a bribe did they have to make to get a license to sell drugs?
    The ONLY people getting these licenses are rich people, who will continue to get richer, but now by selling drugs. Slumlord lawyers. CHILDREN of construction company owners. Attorneys who previously BRAGGED about how tough they were on drug users. Friends of politicians. Did I mention CHILDREN of rich people? THAT is who is now getting ready to ride the gravy train of drug dealing.
    Who TOOK the bribes?
    Everyone, that's who.
    You keep cheering.
    They keep laughing at you.
    Because you are so stupid.

  3. Until the Democratic mafia gets cleaned out of (ALL) Maryland, this will go on forever.

  4. Sucks to be poor and undereducated. Right, Imclain?

  5. I think seniors deserve FREE medical marijuana. You need to be stoned to see the world you toiled in saved and served going down the shit tubes. It should be bundled with your Social Security payment.

  6. Do you have to hand your guns in over the counter when they hand you your medical marijuana?

  7. Or do they come to your house and get them later?

  8. 10:31 Imclain is100% correct. Only those with $$$$ and a connection are allowed be involved in medical marijuana in Maryland.

  9. Liberal Jim brings home the bacon to WOC!

  10. How is marijuana any different than all of the alcohol and tobacco retailers?

    At one time, alcohol was illegal. It is now legal.

    At one time, marijuana was 100% illegal. It is now legal in some cases, and the national trend is moving towards legalization.

    Why the stigma when alcohol is the third leading cause of death?

    If you are going to attack marijuana, please hold all of the bars, restaurants, and alcohol retailers to the same standard.

  11. 10:24 is 100% correct. They owe their former employee Big Jim a Big thanks in making them richer.

  12. 12:12 PM

    You only need to turn in your LEGAL guns. The illegal ones you can keep. You know, the ones you protect your drug territory with.

  13. In America, a doctor prescribes medicine. You go to the pharmacy and get it. Morphine, oxycodone, placidil, even radioactive cancer drugs.
    In order to obtain medical THC, a much more benign and less addictive, less deadly drug than all of those mentioned, you have to REGISTER with the Government admitting you are breaking federal law.
    What the heck kind of scam is that? Lol

  14. 11:02....Not poor. Not uneducated.
    I just don't slurp up all the BS being laid down on "we, the people" and think it's a nutritious meal.
    You seem to like it.
    Take your dress off and put on some skinny jeans and go see if you can get picked up on Isabella St.


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