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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Republicans Sitting on Evidence That Clears Trump?

The Stupid Party Remains Stupid

In the 1970s neoconservative Irving Kristol aptly described the Republicans as “the stupid party.” We are seeing this today in the hesitation of the House Intelligence Committee to release to the American public the results of its investigation of Russiagate.

The committee has released a description of its findings to members of the House, and most Republicans who have read it are demanding that it be released to the public as it clearly proves that Russiagate was an orchestrated conspiracy between the Democratic National Committee, the FBI, and the Obama Department of Justice against Donald Trump.

Apparently, Republicans are not smart enough to understand that to announce that you have proof that turns Russiagate away from President Trump and toward its DNC, FBI, and DOJ originators and then to sit on the information gives the Democrats and the presstitutes time to discredit the information in advance of its release.

And that is exactly what we are witnessing. For example, presstitute Greg Sargent writing in the Washington Post, a long-time CIA asset, mischaracterizes the finding of the House Intelligence Committee as “the latest effort to delegitimize the Russia probe by painting it as born of partisan dirty tricks and an illegitimate abuse of power.”



  1. No, Democrats, it doesn't make yours the smart party by default.

  2. Orwell was a prophet.
    And he nailed it.

    Keep cheering.

  3. The Republicans aren't stupid.
    They don't work for the people.
    They work for their bosses, who paid for their elections. (Why do you think elections are so expensive?)

    The Republicans are paid for puppets who say and do exactly what they are told to say and do.
    It is theatre. Stop falling for it. They don't care about us, so prepare for the worst. The economy is going to collapse and our currency is going to buy nothing of value. This is all planned. Get out of debt now. Stock food and clothing now. Hunker down and get ready. Educate yourselves and others. Turn off the television. Plant a garden. Try to find Jesus Christ.

  4. 10:36, not Trump. You are the stupid one for not getting your head out of the sand.(map)


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