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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Virginian Immigration Hawks Outraged as Fairfax County's Gives Illegal Alien Criminals Sanctuary

Fairfax County, Virginia Sheriff Stacey Kincaid’s announcement she would cancel an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to honor “detainers” for illegal alien criminals and arrestees has prompted pro-American immigration reformers to condemn the move for turning Fairfax into a “sanctuary county.”

In the affluent suburban Washington, DC county, criminals and arrestees who ICE believes are illegal aliens subject to deportation will no longer be held for up to 48 after their release date so federal agents can pick them up.

Virginia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Corey Stewart, who led an effort to force jails to report illegal alien criminals to ICE and help enforce immigration laws as a supervisor in neighboring Prince William County using ICE’s 287(g) program, issued a statement in response Thursday. “It is official — Fairfax County is now a sanctuary jurisdiction,” he wrote, continuing:



  1. No - Fairfax county is in Virginia. Which is part of the United States of America. Fairfax county nor VA are sanctuary county or state. You will follow U S federal laws or be deported just like your illegal immigrants (my idea about dumb Fairfax county residents who support this effort be deported)- no illegal immigrants What don't you understand when the law of the land states no illegal immigrants or sanctuary states. Wake up and smell the roses.

  2. Why can people just not follow the law? More importantly, why can a officer of the law just not follow the law? I know this sounds like a stupid question.

  3. If the state doesn't wanna follow the law, why should we?


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