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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hillary Clinton shielded aide accused of sexual harassment

Hillary Clinton protected a campaign adviser's job during the 2008 presidential race after he was accused of sexually harassing a 30-year-old female subordinate.

Burns Strider, then 42 and married, was Clinton's 'Director of Faith-Based Outreach' and frequently appeared on religious-themed broadcasts to promote her candidacy.

He was ordered to undergo counseling and docked 'several weeks of pay,' according to The New York Times, but Clinton insisted Strider keep his job even though then-campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle advised her to fire him.

His accuser was moved to a new position.

Strider boasts to this day about his close relationship with the former secretary of state, continuing to call her 'boss', sharing lunches, going to a birthday party and posting a letter from her on Instagram.



  1. Hillary's never much been one to take others' advice.

  2. LOL Faith Based Outreach. Out groping.

  3. She claims to have been when running for election the womens' candidate. but She rarely ever when you get down to it support the women. Everything we have learned in the last two years is do what she says support what she says, and that even her opinion changes with the same subject matter. She trys everyday to make herself relavant to get at least one quote in the news, it is all about attention, when Bill was in office how did we miss the real Hillary?

  4. Well lets face it, the election of Donald Trump has shown that America really does turn a blind eye to sexual assault accusations doesn't it?

    1. 4:45 Why? You did use the word accusations. Accusations don't prove guilt. Now your Democratic Party who are dropping like flies for sexual misconduct is a different story. The difference you ask? Proof.
      I'll bet anything you turned a blind eye to slick willie didn't you?
      You come in this blog daily spewing your hatred for the President. In the end it is you who looks like a fool. No one on here pays you any mind. Except of course for the occasional laugh. You are so triggered that Trump is president. And it shows with every stupid comment you make. Great job on showing just how butt hurt you are 🙌🏻

  5. 4:45 - really? You must not be reading the news very closely.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    Well lets face it, the election of Donald Trump has shown that America really does turn a blind eye to sexual assault accusations doesn't it?

    January 30, 2018 at 4:45 PM"

    Either you people are complete ignoramuses or you just can't help yourself with all that lying you people get to doing. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the skanks that accused Trump were lying. It was all politically motivated. It was also exposed that skank lawyer Lisa bloom got money from a democrat pac to find and pay women to accuse Trump. Now wise up and educate yourself before making asinine comments.

  7. Maybe she was having an affair with that dude after all she was holding all the power.Sexual harassment in reverse? Just thinkin. But on second thought if she was having an affair with him and he popositioned some other woman he probably would have wound up on her list of suicide victims.


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